My name is Margot Mooring. I am a 16 year old who attends Logos Online School. I live in Oklahoma with my parents and a surprising amount of little siblings. I have many interests, but some of my favorite things to do are to cook, swim, read, and learn (about most topics, but math is a glaring exception.) Above all, I love spending time building relationships with my family and friends, no matter what form that may take.
I love to create. To use words and build something beautiful. This applies whether I am writing a poem, story, essay or just arranging my thoughts on paper. I create with words because I am made in the image of God, the one who with a few spoken words, created all that is good and beautiful.
However, unlike God, I cannot create ex nihilo, (out of nothing), I need ideas and themes to work with. These I get from a multitude of authors much smarter and better written than myself. When I read, I lay the foundation on which my own creations are built.
Though I have only been writing seriously for less than a year, I have something to say. Pictures and words living in my mind that burn for me to say. My goal is to give those pictures to you with poignant accuracy. Pictures that inspire or admonish. Pictures that express a little piece of this beautiful world that we live in, and the One who fashioned it.
Of the few poems I have written, this one is my personal favorite.
And here is a sample story.