"What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others, that's beyond us."

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference.”

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Here you will find articles about faith, spirituality, family, psychology, as well as writing prompts, podcasts and videos. Come and engage in meaningful conversations dealing with our world and wellbeing.


Ukrainian-Swedish author. Faith, family, psychology, society. God’s plans for me are greater than my dreams. "Non nobis, Domine, non nobis; sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam.”
✝️ 🕊️ Christian Writer | Poet | Singer | Songwriter | Coach. I believe everything starts with connecting deeply to truth. Spreading light and wisdom through writing and creativity.
A fisherman of the prodigal sons. Counterintuitive thinker. Matthew 13:12 practitioner. Born in China, born again in SoCal. At first a medical school graduate then an MFA in Creative Writing. Serializing an epic fantasy on Substack.
Writing is a sick addiction. Writing is a wild ride, my journey without a map or a compass. Where will it take me? I’ll find out when I get there.
Therapist, coach, teacher, mentor, gamer (playing the Tale of Two Wastelands now), podcaster, musician, artist, fur-baby mom, avid reader, nerd, bicycler, hiker. Attempting to write a sci-fi/fantasy book.
Believer, truth seeker, passionate about people, history, the arts, music and hope✨
Author of THEDA’S TIME MACHINE, a historical fantasy thriller exclusively on Substack.
Penguin Author, Substack Bestseller, Speaker and CEM (Chief Executive Mom). I help you build and monetize a digital ecosystem to turn your passion into your lifestyle ⭐️
A child of a post-communist world and a writer of short stories with a magical twist. If you're looking for a bit of history and wonder, come take a look.