"What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others, that's beyond us."
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference.”
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Ukrainian-Swedish author. Faith, family, psychology, society.
God’s plans for me are greater than my dreams.
"Non nobis, Domine, non nobis; sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam.”
✝️ 🕊️ Christian Writer | Poet | Singer | Songwriter | Coach. I believe everything starts with connecting deeply to truth. Spreading light and wisdom through writing and creativity.
A fisherman of the prodigal sons. Counterintuitive thinker. Matthew 13:12 practitioner. Born in China, born again in SoCal. At first a medical school graduate then an MFA in Creative Writing. Serializing an epic fantasy on Substack.
Writing is a sick addiction. Writing is a wild ride, my journey without a map or a compass. Where will it take me? I’ll find out when I get there.
Therapist, coach, teacher, mentor, gamer (playing the Tale of Two Wastelands now), podcaster, musician, artist, fur-baby mom, avid reader, nerd, bicycler, hiker. Attempting to write a sci-fi/fantasy book.
Believer, truth seeker, passionate about people, history, the arts, music and hope✨
Author of THEDA’S TIME MACHINE, a historical fantasy thriller exclusively on Substack.
Penguin Author, Substack Bestseller, Speaker and CEM (Chief Executive Mom). I help you build and monetize a digital ecosystem to turn your passion into your lifestyle ⭐️
A child of a post-communist world and a writer of short stories with a magical twist. If you're looking for a bit of history and wonder, come take a look.