
Incredible to know this! So funny because just a few hours ago we were watching an episode of International House Hunters (which we do on occasion) and a lady kept walking into homes and saying she felt a bad energy, she called a bedroom "very angry." I said to John, "well if animals can sense things all around them, then why can't we?" Most people would look and see four walls with no feelings, other than the look of the home. We don't use anywhere near our capacity. Amazing reminder! Thank you. ox

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Pretty interesting,I have enhanced hearing, both blessing and curse haha

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Me too! except my right ear has suffered a little loss since a shooting range accident with a bad headset. About five years ago. I went to an audiologist. I can tell now it's not as crazy good as it used to be. I could hear everything going on everywhere and sometimes it was hard to focus. You train yourself to tune-out! 😅

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haha so hard!

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Apr 18Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

'...just one fact alone that we actually see and sense less than 1% of the world around us should humble us a bit..."

An important, humbling, much-needed reminder indeed in order to manage our ego and arrogance, Alexander. Apart from that, at least for this particular fact, it makes us value and appreciate our wildlife and animals more, rather than not caring much for their well-being.

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Yes, they are special!

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Imagine having this expanded awareness such that we can 'see' the inflammation in others' bodies from chemical toxins or even thoughts or emotions all coalescing in a dance of strange malevolence.

How to counteract that? It suddenly hit me - we counter that with humor, laughter, poetry, music, fellowship, prayer prayer prayer, & dancing ... We counter all the different forms of 'toxicity' with good vibes. Thank God we don't have such enhanced sensory apparatus, but we can imagine it & benefit just from knowing all 'that' is out there.

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As you said, positive vibrations can heal the body!

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Apr 18Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

Love this perspective, thanks so much!

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Glad you do!

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Apr 18Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I was reading a book on wasps the other day and some are so tiny they need a microscope to see them, not a magnifying glass but a microscope! A fully formed wasp with wings and stings and intestines etc.

Some wasps live on other wasps, and others live on the wasps that live on the other wasps! Double parasitism!

The complexity of the creation is mind boggling.

I think God made it so complex as its complexity proves that God exists, even to those who think that it all came from evolution and "spontaneous creation of life" from a big bang or something.

The more you honestly look at the complexity and the diversity in life then you know it can't have happened by accident.

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That’s why the greatest scientists are all believers

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It’s like you said, if we opened up to experience it all we’d go bonkers (paraphrasing) so very interesting and you said so much in such a little piece. I appreciate that and my add mind appreciates it as well.

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Really glad it made sense, thanks a a lot for the great commentary

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Apr 20Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

An eye-opening perspective. It truly gives you a sense of how small we are in this infinite world. Great piece! I enjoyed it a lot.

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Thank you! So happy to have you here!

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

it is really fascinating to think about!

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deletedApr 18Liked by Alexander Semenyuk
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Same here! God bless

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