
Good new article to further show the point https://apple.news/AMSVNSajKTNm77lofySY_DA

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Thanks for your courageous post Alexander. Crooks is a choirboy compared to an individual like Putin. Crooks had a well-defined target, he probably acted out of frustration, anger or hatred towards Trump and what he personifies. Putin, on the other hand, usually acts out of spite, probably just for the pleasure of taking revenge or eliminating anyone who doesn't agree with him or his intentions.

As you say, wrong is wrong, and it's always wrong. But in this case we have to weigh up the evil behind Crooks' act and some of the diabolical things Putin does

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Yes. Thank you for this

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That resulted in the Magnitsky Act. Thank you for shining a light on this Alexander! My 3rd Louise Moscow spy thriller is based on this.

"Also in 2009, Magnitsky was a whistle blower about 200+$ million tax fraud implicating high ranking officials. He was jailed on false charges and tortured to death.

2015, Nemtsov, perhaps most famous of the killings, before Nalany. Shot dead on a bridge. He was Putin’s harshest critic.

Crazy thing is that these are just a fraction of the people. There are millionaires and billionaires that Putin ordered dead who displeased him. There are officials and politicians from other countries too. There are many localized killings as well, of less known journalists and politicians."

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Glad you saw this article and thank you, your book sounds like a must read, wow!

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Louise Moscow Book 1 is where it all started, and it's perma-free and pretty quick read! Book 4 coming soon!


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Thanks Alexander. This is the evil playbook adopted by the corrupt GOP here.

"Targeting 'foreign agents'

Russia's "foreign agents" law allows restrictions to be imposed on critics without convicting them of any wrongdoing.

Individuals or organisations that have criticised or scrutinised government policies are targeted if they are deemed to have received money from abroad - even from a relative - or merely to be under "foreign influence"."

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Perfect, will be my next read after my current one is done

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Nice! I love feedback but no pressure. 🥰

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Jul 22Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I think there are two main reasons for the Putin love.

1. The Russiagate nonsense after 2016 firmly established the Democratic party as opposed to Russia (at least in rhetoric). Trump was painted as Putin's puppet, and his behaviour at joint press conferences and meetings did nothing to dissuade this view. In time, this has made many MAGA-types much more pro-Russia than Trump actually is (see: Nordstream 2) due to the mechanism of negative partisanship.

2. Putin has made the ROC a firm pillar of his support and acts as a pro-christian defender of the faith. He also plays upon Western culture wars by railing against LGBT excesses (and criminalising behaviour that doesn't harm anyone else).

To be honest, the first reason has nearly pushed me into speaking out in favour of him. It makes my blood boil when Trump is denounced for saying Putin is "smart" or some move of his was "genius". OF COURSE HE'S SMART, HE'S THE DICTATOR OF THE LARGEST COUNTRY IN THE FUCKING WORLD!!

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It’s a good summary, very good.

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Jul 20Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I'm sure that a guy who kills political rivals and journalists, and outlaws guns would never fix an election result...

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Well said, Putin is also attacking Christians in Africa, and forcing muslim dictators the people don't want and hate throughout Africa just to 'stick it to the French'. Many of these 'Putin fans' profess an incredible amount of anger against the French when they complain about it and view it as their 'Christian duty to defend French-Catholiques in Africa', and get even angrier when I point out how China's reacted with anger when their investments in Africa are attacked by Wagner and their clients. It is a strange world we live in.

My views are that this doesn't involve me. A murderer is a murderer, God will judge them both. But my view is that French-Catholics in Africa merit verbal defence as do Russians and Ukrainians who are innocent. Putin is a dictator, this is fact. Just as it is a fact that Macron may as well be one. But the Africans in the 'Francosphere' don't deserve to have Sharia forced upon them, simply because they remained neutral and continued to trade with France. In this regard I'm tired of the 'Putin defence brigade''s lack of a good argument and strange self-contradictions.

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Another interesting area of discussion for sure. I don’t write too many articles involving things like this tho, sometimes if I’m seeing Christians supporting something so obviously evil, as a faith/spirituality writer and a Ukrainian, I feel the urge sometimes to go for it.

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I don’t write about this stuff, because I just see it as I don’t know, not my place or something. I’m not involved so I doubt anyone’d be interested dans ma point de vue. Whereas you’re Ukrainian you’re involved in a way.

Though I suppose being French I’m partially involved given what’s happened in Burkina Fasa & Niger, where people liked their Christian leaders and Putin knocked them down for Muslim ones.

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I think we always have to remember that we are part of this world, we shouldn’t of course get depressed and tear ourselves apart over all the trouble out there.

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Jul 20Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Thank you Alex for amazing analysis.

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Thank you!

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...i was thinking a out tenacious d and the fallout from trump assassin jokes and then how many people biden trump obama have actually made decisions to kill and the facts that society is more focused on the words of a comedian than the actions of powerful dorks...people are stupid...

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Thanks for the link. I need to know if I am wrong. I may have not been exposed to these Putin-lovers.

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That is not the correct link. Can you copy and paste the page name instead?

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Search “Simplicius” they even joke about Ukrainians being killed in the comment sections. And as I said, I had to block over a dozen people wishing me death on here. I have not written a single anti Trump article, it only happens when I write about my culture or about putin.

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Agreed. Totally!

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Thank you

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Jul 21Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Alexander I am so sorry for the pain and suffering your family in the Ukraine is going thru. I belong to St Barbara’s OCA in Fort Worth Tx and most of our Orthodox churches in this area have a mix of Ukrainians, Russians, Serbians, Bulgarians, Georgians etc etc WE PRAY FOR PEACE FOR ALL! it is hard to understand how people can commit such evil and harm to each other. Love in Christ friend.

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Prayers help a lot, thank you

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Jul 21Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

It scares me to think how we live in a world where hypocrisy is accepted. Shameful.

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Yes, well, it is what it is

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Jul 21Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Thoughtful message. I am not a fan of Putin either, actually, I remember vividly being all for Lindsey Graham's call, "Is there a Brutus in Russia? Is there a more successful Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian military?"

Is there a difference here? When Putin was threatening Nuclear warfare. I think of Bonhoeffer, and his cohort's failed attempts to take out Hitler. Was it evil or good to try to assassinate Hitler? It was certainly brokenness.

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Very good point!

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Jul 21Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

This is who maga worships.

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Jul 21Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Satan comes in many guises.These people seek power and have no conscience.There will always be demons in our world,needing more power and killing innocent people, look what they did to Jesus.

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Jul 21Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I'm truly disgusted by the number of Putin's followers around me. (My father included!)

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They are tricked by the cunning propaganda

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