
"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”‍

A beautiful read and reminder of humbleness and humility. He directs my path. Thank you for this and for a new friendship here :)

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Yes, I work each day to be more and more humble, easy to lose the path sometimes

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Another AWESOME teaching my friend!!

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Thank you!

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Big amen! It's how we view money that's the problem and not the money itself. If we love God with all our being, we won't love money.

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Jul 4Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I totally agree. Thank you, sir. It’s always a pleasure to read and adopt your teaching. A good way to remind us about, morality, evil and goodness. About where we stand in this world not to err.

Thank you.

Sending Prayers, Love and Light. 🙏🧡✨

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Thank you so much!

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Jul 4Liked by Alexander Semenyuk


Thanks for sharing so people like me didn't miss it!

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Thank you for letting me know!

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Awesome piece. I feel civilization is a double edged sword, man in the quest to improve his life built education systems, political systems, advanced health systems, complex financial systems, transport and communication systems, agriculture. All this improved man's quality of life but in the process he forgot he's an organism living in a cyclical environment of birth, life and death. He identified himself with this 'world of man' that he had created forgetting that he himself is an organism in the organic natural world. He felt like a bird that rests on a dead old tree and not like the leaves that grow out of a tree.

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Great way to describe it, powerful analogy with the bird, I agree

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Trading and bartering is what we are going back to, at least here in the West. The introduction of the new banking system and the advent of CBDC will make sure of that. Not a great way to proper but that's what they have in mind.

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Yes, I have always loved this scripture to balance me out. I have had money and I have lost money. Been tested to the extreme. I am still under a✨.

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That’s wonderful, strong faith in God

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

You're absolutely right.

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Really glad it made sense!

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Jul 12Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

People think money is evil but the truth is money is neutral. It controls us because we use it as the scapegoat for all of ur problems.

Not happy? Must be bc we don’t have enough money

Not healthy? Must make more money to take care of our health

Not confident? Must have money to buy status

Don’t have time for loved ones? Must give them money to feel better.

Our relationship with money is the most important relationship in our lives. It dictates all of our other relationships. And funny enough, it is also the relationship we understand the least.

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That’s so true, what a great way of putting it. And I feel like we all had fallen into at least few of these at some point.

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Jul 8Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Your Quantum Freedom link isn’t working

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Oh yes I see now, it’s an older article and they switched links since then

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I’ll have to see what’s wrong with it, thank you

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Excellent piece!

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Thanks for sharing this one again! "Money just is," a powerful truth. We have to get to the root of why we "love" money in the first place and often it has nothing to do with money at all. It's usually a deeper longing for something else—something only found through faith. It's fascinating to hear stories of those who gain a lot of money and it doesn't bring what they once thought it would.

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So true, many stories like this.

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In Matthew 19:21-22 Jesus told the young man to give all he had. ... “go sell your possessions; give everything to the poor. All your wealth will then be in heaven. Then come follow me.”

That was the last thing the young man expected to hear. And so, crestfallen, he walked away. He was holding on tight to a lot of things, and he couldn’t bear to let go.

He was holding on to a lot of things. It took me so many years to understand what Jesus was saying to the young man and us. What do we hold tight to? social media scrolling, alcohol, porn, other drugs, stuff. Oh, here is a good one - Image. If I don't have this or that, what would people think? This is maybe the best-kept secret in the bible.


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Absolutely, it’s powerful. Francis Chan has a great sermon on this.

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Jul 4Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I pray everyday and make God the center of my life to do God's will

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Thar is the key!

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Absolutely true! Everyone thinks it's money the root of evil but it is the LOVE of money that is evil! Too many rich people that do not give to anyone or for anything! If I had the money, I would share my wealth with everyone I could! I do give to some charities but I wish I could give more!

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Same here!

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