Jun 24Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

Deborah, you are an amazing woman. Your story is one that many relate to but maybe never speak of or put into words. It is rather sad, but in this time and place where we are, we have to find the ones who believe in love, hope, and forgiveness, and face the truth together, no matter how difficult.

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Thank you so much Jenni for your comment. It’s amazing to look back at your life and see so clearly a path that God has had you on. I am so grateful. I’m especially grateful for this community, as so much of it is a Divine intervention. I just had emergency gallbladder surgery Saturday morning and this community is part of the love I feel. That was very meant to be. We have to walk this highway together like you said. I hope this finds you well. I left a Note on Friday night, a bit high on morphine, about the surgery and then another within that. Life is a crazy ride!!! Stress catches up to us! Sending my love to you and your family. ox

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Jun 25Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

Oh Deb! Sorry to hear about your surgery! I am glad you're okay; at least I trust you will be! I've been missing my Substack Family.

The 15th through the 21st, my 4 girls were together at an airbnb close to my house. So it was a week of happiness to listen to them chatter and reminisce and some of it seemed to be in "code" . A story about a cookie that Rachel gave everyone a bite to, and then dropped it. One about how hamsters can appear to be dead but only hibernating??? Sarah was accused of killing Rachel's hamster with a kleenex!! They've never forgotten the idea that they may have buried a hamster alive!!! How much trouble Sophia gave Mary when Mary just wanted to be her best friend, and she remembers the bites she got from Soph. Yeex!

It was cool to be a backseat eavesdropper when we all went to the beach up the highway to get some Goulais merch. I didn't ask for clarification, I just inwardly laughed my butt off!! So I will be catching up. Today is a trip to town for supplies though.

So I missed your writing and will be reading again soon. Much love from me, Jenni.

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Thank you Jenni, it’s been real. Feeling blessed it’s gone and it was caught before it got worse.

That’s hilarious to be the quiet observer of your girl’s chit-chat! Sounds like a fun summer so far! You must have had quite the chuckles! I miss driving carpool just to hear all the banter. It’s like they don’t know you’re there. Just the “driver.”

Sending you my love. ox

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Jun 20Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Deborah, thank you for sharing this piece of your heart, story and life. What a gift. It is so beautifully written and shared and I'm so grateful to have found this particular "off ramp" that lead to your "rest area" for there is deep refuge, solace, peace and wisdom beyond words, in what you offer.

"With God, what seemed overwhelming to my heart, made so much more sense. It sealed the magic of the universe."🙏

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Jun 18Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

Such a beautiful description of your own journey on God's highway. We will all continue our personal trips & experiences until God calls us home.

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Thank you so much mom for reading when I know how hard it is. And, yes, we will all continue on until that day. I love you more than you will ever know. Thank you for asking me to write all those years ago. I finally listened! ox

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Jun 18Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

"My intricately woven Substack community has come to me, and I to them, through a spiritual highway that can only be explained by the work of His hands. Not mine." -- yes, yes!!

Such a beautiful piece and your photos are gorgeous, too!

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Thank you so much Melissa. Wow. It’s never been an easy thing for me to accept compliments! This community has made me embrace them. It’s the most loving place. I so appreciate that you read this piece and that you felt something good from it. ox

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Jun 18Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

Beautiful work Deborah. So well-written and directly from your heart. Thank you.

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Thank you so much Trudi. I am really overwhelmed with the love that comes through this community. It’s a beautiful thing and I appreciate your love and kindness a ton. Hope you’re keeping well! We really need an 8th day in this community so we can just read all day! ha ha! oxox

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Jun 18Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

This is beautiful , Deb, and congratulations again. I really enjoy how you tell the story of how your walk with God began, and love the thought of people being planned into your life before it was even begun. Thank you, Deb ❤️

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Dear Jenn, thank you for all the love and encouragement along the way. It has meant so much. I adore your art and writing and getting to know you here. I am so grateful for our friendship. Perhaps He was in those details a long time ago too. There’s just no way I thought I’d ever be doing anything remotely close to this. Crazy.

I’m glad you liked this testimony :) He definitely writes our story. Sending you a big hug. oxox

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Jun 19Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

It is well deserved, you’re a great fit for a Lighthouse! I am grateful that he’s written you into my story ☺️. Sending a hug and an extra froyo !

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Jun 18Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

Incredible piece of writing Deborah. This is my first experience reading your work, but most assuredly not the last. - Jim

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Hi Jim,

I am heading to the land of nod with so much gratitude in my heart! This is the most generous compliment and one I will treasure. Thank you so very much. ox

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She’s great!

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You're too kind Alexander!! ox

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The more I turn to Him and away from the pettiness of every day life, the greater the peace. Beautiful essay, Deborah. It was a hectic day and I needed to read this.

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I hear you Alison. It’s a get up every single day and start over again. We so easily lose our anchor to Him and drown in the worldly stuff. Thank you for your kind comment. I’m glad it gave you some peace. ox

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Jun 17Liked by Alison Bull, Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

"I imagine a world where we all desire to live for the Kingdom of Heaven and not for the principalities of this earth." A great word, Deb! Our hope is in Him who created it all, and the imminent return of our Savior.

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Bob! yesss! I am amazed a the work of His hands! Until His return I feel a great revival coming. There is so much revival that we are not hearing about in general media. It’s incredible. There is a lot of hope for all who felt so broken these last four years and no doubt God has had his Sovereign hand in the details. Thank you for reading! I can’t believe how good God is to give me this opportunity and with you too! What is happening? ha ha! oxox

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Jun 18Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

"Revival" sadly doesn't meet the mainstream media's narrative for total world domination. Unfortunately they'll have to learn the hard way (as most of us have) that the God of the universe will only have it His way. These are fascinating days in which we live!

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They truly are fascinating days!!

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Jun 17Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

Prosperity has a way of shifting our priorities from Godly paths to more worldly paths and America is very affected by prosperity, so thanks for your personal story to remind us which path leads to peace and joy.

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Thank you so much for reading and leaving such an important comment. So true.

Yes, the path to peace and joy is a continual falling away from the flesh hour by hour. The world is a hard place. The more we love like God, the more joy and peace we have. Our love is nothing like His. It's also an incredible path to forgiveness. There is nothing more freeing.

Thank you so much. ox

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So true

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So honest and real Deb! You did it again…grabbing readers who can not stop! I’ve never felt comfortable writing/talking about God… my religion took an interesting path but didn’t think it’d be read worthy. I’m going to explore, give it some thought. I love that your friend got you to Bible study, that you cherish the child within you…how true that is in all you do…always playful, always laughing. Bravo on this piece, dear friend… and congrats writing for Alexander! Well deserved… proud of you! 😍👍👏

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Thank you so much dear friend for finding me here! I feel very humbled to be getting this chance. Alexander is a wonderful inspiration. And I get it. I understand how the world can knock us off our feet and turn us away from God or anything to do with “religion.” I can give you hope though. Many a heart is reviving. Many are attending open air revivals! It’s crazy how much of this is going on around the world and here. It’s also a deeply personal reckoning away from the noise of the world. It’s in the quiet when you are walking, exercising, eating, showering. That is a beautiful path forward. Community will come in His time. We never know what God has for us once we connect our heart to Him. I can honestly say, being here is one of those miracles!! Thank you for your love, kindness and honesty as well. I love you Joan. oxox

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Jun 17Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

Thanks Deborah, great words and great photos- love the dolphin and humming bird!

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night shows knowledge.

There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.

(Psalm 19:1-4)

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Thank you so much Martin :) I so appreciate getting a compliment like that! I love nature! It’s miraculous. I also love that Psalm. Beautiful. ox

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Jun 17Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

Beautifully written! Thank you for sharing your journey with God. ❤️

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Oh thank you so much Fernanda! This means a lot. ox

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Jun 17Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

Good job Deb I never knew this publication. Will check it out. Bless you 🙏❤️

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Thank you so much Jamie! Alexander is such a kind and generous talent. Lighthouse is a beautiful place. Bless you too. ox

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Such a beautiful testimony! My heart beat with each word 🩷 God is so good!

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Thank you so much Merissa! He is definitely in all the details and here we are! Amazing ✨🙌🏻

He is so good. Sending you a big hug for a wonderful week ❤️

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Really wonderful

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Thank you Alexander. I am amazed at the work of His hands 🙌🏻

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Jun 17Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

That's a great first article for your new chapter in writing. May the Lord bless your work.

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Thank you so much Greg ☺️

God is so good to bring this community together ✨

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It’s very good! Thank you, glad you enjoyed, check out her page as well if you havent yet!

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Thank you Alexander. ox

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