Much better than just good! Spiritual and open, I feel like that is what Christianity is about. We can never be perfect and want to improve, recognizing that is a big step. Love what you wrote about horror fiction too, I share the same opinion of course.
That was so beautiful, Katharine! The sad truth is that modern art seems to be more and more about the artist, and not about the art. You need to build an image of yourself first, and then sell...
Kathrine, the example you gave of humility, through Medieval artists who left their work unsigned, was really impactful to me. I didn't know that, and it's pretty wild to me to consider the grandeur of their achievements, their talent, all wrapped up in their desire to give glory only to God. How often I stray from the purpose and the point, so I appreciated this reminder! Your candor and vulnerability also shined through in this post. A great piece.
Love your essay! Where are you that it is snowless winter? I am in FW, TX but hearing about all the snow in Nova Scotia where I used to live gives me so much thankfulness for not having to shovel for hours!!!!
I’m from Northeast Europe. Snow is very common here in the winter time. But some winters (like this one), it feels like November hasn’t ended - it rains every day, and it’s really grey. It might even stretch till May. 😬
Awww. Hoping you will find the silver lining in the grey clouds! My friend lives in Moscow it was 38 there yesterday. Haven’t pic a pic of a guy on the street wearing like long shorts! And he was going to an outdoor BBQ! 😊 Guns n Roses has a beautiful song “November Rain’
Lucky you! We had maybe 3 days of snow so far. Well, another lesson in humility, I’m learning to appreciate the lovely nights with rain tapping on my window. It’s also quite warm for winter.
as in any art form... music... painting... sculpture... writing... much time is spent in the woodshed... working on your chops... primarily in the practice of letting go... letting your
creativity flow and build upon itself... in time ego has long stepped away... a meditative state
guides into as you have so nicely put... a pure sense of humility... as if a flower opening upon a stem... in all it's flaws... it remains in the sun to attract the honey gatherers as a welcome into your soul... take your needs gratefully and w/pleasure... after all... we are speaking a language created from the same source... artists all... struggle as we have suffered the harsh cold as part of our nature and will all perish as planned back into the stringent elements from whence we came... graciously accepting our fate in humility...
Congratulations Kathrine! Writing for Lighthouse is a blessing.
What a beautiful writer you are. I feel the absolute surrender of the creative process in your words. I try to explain how it just appears, flows, calls me, etc., and you laid it out so beautifully here. It's all an offering to Him. ox
"Christianity" is about lovers of Christ unified by the Holy Spirit without any Insitutional label. Keep loving Christ alone and listen to His voice and ignore your Pope and you will be OK.
Verily, I must be honest and admit we are greater than our focused consciousness. Our minds are working behind the veil of our egos, ignoring fallacies like vanity, greed, and evil. But know that it is you who are creating, and you are all the things which make your body: God, matter, and spirit. Not signing your name does not mean you did not create it, it only reflects modesty, humility, and compassion. When we do not claim to be the author of our creations, it is a sign of great sacrifice, unnecessarily so - but powerful in humility.
Even though I sometimes did not signed my creations with my name, my name is in the way I wrote, my style, my ideas, my concepts, and it is as clear as a fingerprint, my blood, my natural signature. The pattern which I am. My signature is there even if I did not put it in clear text.
Sign your work, and claim it; create through God, matter, and spirit the way you found works well, but sign and claim it. Take it; it's yours. Our subconscious is magnificent and works in mysterious ways; it is still you and yours. Ownership is more than humility if we can differentiate from vanity, greed, and status. Creation through what we feel is not ego, but spirit, is humility by being yourself, letting your body create with less conscious interference. Feel the tingling erotic-like sensation of gratitude, gratification, and fulfillment - and still sign it with your name.
Absolutely beautiful article!
Thank you so much! I was a bit nervous if its good enough.
Much better than just good! Spiritual and open, I feel like that is what Christianity is about. We can never be perfect and want to improve, recognizing that is a big step. Love what you wrote about horror fiction too, I share the same opinion of course.
That was so beautiful, Katharine! The sad truth is that modern art seems to be more and more about the artist, and not about the art. You need to build an image of yourself first, and then sell...
Loved it. Take care!
Kathrine, the example you gave of humility, through Medieval artists who left their work unsigned, was really impactful to me. I didn't know that, and it's pretty wild to me to consider the grandeur of their achievements, their talent, all wrapped up in their desire to give glory only to God. How often I stray from the purpose and the point, so I appreciated this reminder! Your candor and vulnerability also shined through in this post. A great piece.
Love your essay! Where are you that it is snowless winter? I am in FW, TX but hearing about all the snow in Nova Scotia where I used to live gives me so much thankfulness for not having to shovel for hours!!!!
I’m from Northeast Europe. Snow is very common here in the winter time. But some winters (like this one), it feels like November hasn’t ended - it rains every day, and it’s really grey. It might even stretch till May. 😬
Awww. Hoping you will find the silver lining in the grey clouds! My friend lives in Moscow it was 38 there yesterday. Haven’t pic a pic of a guy on the street wearing like long shorts! And he was going to an outdoor BBQ! 😊 Guns n Roses has a beautiful song “November Rain’
Well said friend. Allow for God’s voice to move through the art and words we create!
Great article but here God gave us some white
Lucky you! We had maybe 3 days of snow so far. Well, another lesson in humility, I’m learning to appreciate the lovely nights with rain tapping on my window. It’s also quite warm for winter.
"I am grateful to Alexander Semenyuk for making me a part of the Lighthouse team."
I agree and think this collaborative effort is a good idea.
"I make mistakes, I get into unnecessary online fights, I cuss. But I am trying to improve."
as in any art form... music... painting... sculpture... writing... much time is spent in the woodshed... working on your chops... primarily in the practice of letting go... letting your
creativity flow and build upon itself... in time ego has long stepped away... a meditative state
guides into as you have so nicely put... a pure sense of humility... as if a flower opening upon a stem... in all it's flaws... it remains in the sun to attract the honey gatherers as a welcome into your soul... take your needs gratefully and w/pleasure... after all... we are speaking a language created from the same source... artists all... struggle as we have suffered the harsh cold as part of our nature and will all perish as planned back into the stringent elements from whence we came... graciously accepting our fate in humility...
Congratulations Kathrine! Writing for Lighthouse is a blessing.
What a beautiful writer you are. I feel the absolute surrender of the creative process in your words. I try to explain how it just appears, flows, calls me, etc., and you laid it out so beautifully here. It's all an offering to Him. ox
"Christianity" is about lovers of Christ unified by the Holy Spirit without any Insitutional label. Keep loving Christ alone and listen to His voice and ignore your Pope and you will be OK.
Verily, I must be honest and admit we are greater than our focused consciousness. Our minds are working behind the veil of our egos, ignoring fallacies like vanity, greed, and evil. But know that it is you who are creating, and you are all the things which make your body: God, matter, and spirit. Not signing your name does not mean you did not create it, it only reflects modesty, humility, and compassion. When we do not claim to be the author of our creations, it is a sign of great sacrifice, unnecessarily so - but powerful in humility.
Even though I sometimes did not signed my creations with my name, my name is in the way I wrote, my style, my ideas, my concepts, and it is as clear as a fingerprint, my blood, my natural signature. The pattern which I am. My signature is there even if I did not put it in clear text.
Sign your work, and claim it; create through God, matter, and spirit the way you found works well, but sign and claim it. Take it; it's yours. Our subconscious is magnificent and works in mysterious ways; it is still you and yours. Ownership is more than humility if we can differentiate from vanity, greed, and status. Creation through what we feel is not ego, but spirit, is humility by being yourself, letting your body create with less conscious interference. Feel the tingling erotic-like sensation of gratitude, gratification, and fulfillment - and still sign it with your name.