Thank you Stephanie. God is an amazing God. Master Artist, Master Musician, Master Creator! He is everywhere. I have never wanted to follow Him more. What Satan used for the absolute worst, God has used for good. For those of us that are still here, since 2020, we can continue to heal and help cross the divide. Prayer is everything. ox
Thank you so much for sharing. I sit here at home alone having read it. The rest of my family at work or school.
Before I even knew this was in my inbox I was questioning the whys, the what's the point.. what is my purpose.. I've let God down too many times to count.. why would he bother with me when he knows I'm just going to disappoint him.. again. I prayed earlier asking God to take me as there is nothing I can offer here after 5 years since stopping work due to health. And then I read your piece. It was amongst an absolute sea of emails. I was going to unsubsribe from a load and do a 'select all' and delete the entire inbox. But something made me click on yours. I don't believe in coincidence either. I think God wanted me to see it and know it's worth being here. Thank you.
Dear Dom, I have been babysitting my little granddaughter since early morning and now is naptime :) Seeing this comment from you overwhelmed my heart. I am so grateful you opened the email. I see you love poetry! Me too! This is a beautiful outlet. Creativity is a sustaining life force. I have met some of the most amazing people on Substack, who have overcome so many challenges, not necessarily “fixed,” but have realized, that even with a disability, God has a purpose for their lives. Two of my favorite people are @Bob Hoebeke and @Kimberly Warner - both with amazing stories/testimonies. In fact, Kimberly’s Substack is called “Unfixed,” and is chalk full of inspiration, interviews, films about people who are living essentially unfixed from rare disabilities. Bob’s story is incredible and although you can find Kimberly’s story on her Substack, Bob interviewed Kimberly last summer:
I think you will find a supernatural community as you move forward knowing you are not alone, and you are most definitely not done. We are never done. There is so much more. I am truly sorry you have felt so isolated and alone. This is the best time to pray, meditate, and perhaps, when you are ready, write your story. To be vulnerable and trust there is someone out there who needs to hear it. Someone who feels just like you. This is how we all begin. If we can affect one person, we have found purpose in our life. A seed which roots, expands into the universe and surrounds you with hope. You are my hope today and with each day forward.
Thank you again and know I have you in my prayers,
This is one amazing place to be! And as I type I am feeling all the love on my flowery skin. I know you know. How crazy is that? The connectivity of creativity, hope, love, the earth, which extends out onto this magical highway that never stops once you are on it…
I am so grateful Dom is here. That we are all here encouraging one another. ox
“I've let God down too many times to count.. why would he bother with me when he knows I'm just going to disappoint him.. again” Oh you too, huh? He should have kicked me to the curb a long time ago.
But Dom, that’s what mercy and grace are all about. God - the Creator of the universe, much less you and me, knew we could never be good enough to reside for eternity in His kingdom, so he sent His Son, Jesus Christ to take ALL of our sins on his back, and die with them on the cross. Now THAT’S love!
Chin up, feet moving bro, He’s not nearly done with you! In almost every instance in the Bible God chooses the least of all the people and does great things with them - David, a sheep herder; Mary a fourteen year-old virgin; Moses who tried getting out of what God wanted him to do by claiming he was a stutterer; Nehemiah, a lowly cupbearer to the King, and on I could go with all kinds of examples.
Deborah was kind enough to link to my Substack - if you go there look up “The Voice Behind the Curtain,” and you’ll soon figure out I’m just exactly like you! Let me know how I can help.
I love everything about this Bob. Mercy, grace, redemption and love. We can come back from anything and in the exact way we are meant to be used for His purpose. We are never done until He says so. EVER. ox
Nancy, this is so kind! Wow. I feel I am in the company of so many great writers here on Substack and the fact I get a chance to write and be heard is nothing I would have ever imagined. Thank you so much. God is so good. oxox
Thank you so much for reading this friend. You are a blessing and so encouraging. I must catchup with you. Don’t stop writing or being you. God keep you. oxox
and my verse for today that popped up on my Bible app was this:
“By Faith we understand that the universe has been framed by the word of God, so that what is seen has not been made out of things which are visible.” Hebrews 11:3
AMAZING!!!! Dissect that one!
So glad that we are friends Joel! It’s no coincidence! ox
Oh Jenni, I am so sorry you are feeling used up. It’s definitely normal! “And this too shall pass.” Good not to make big decisions and to sit with it, rest, meditate, pray and move forward to a fresh new day — repeat, and wait until the heaviness subsides. There is so much goodness and hope in everything and I would never have imagined myself saying this. The process is long, but trust, openness, prayer, listening, and being okay in that valley is key. Because. there. is. more. There is always more for “our” lives. When we get there, in love, following Love, letting go, letting Him, then there is a beauty I can’t describe. We let go of what is supposedly “the right thing to do,” or what is expected of us (our own problem) and we grow. We emotionally get out of other people’s lives, make decisions for what is good for ourselves, gain respect and look forward to what God is going to do with us! I am sending you a huge hug and a lot of love.
I hear that message, Deb, and I do think that letting go of stuff needs to happen. "The right thing to do" wasn't always right, was it?
I listened to the band, 'America' 's song, "Another Try" yesterday. By accident it came up on Spotify for me to hear again (by accident, right?? :) . It brought me back to that very point, exactly; that point you made.
I loved that song as a young kid, because I wanted The Right Thing To Do, to work! I thought it could if I gave him/her/them/it "another try". It did not work then and it will not work now. It's one of the hardest lessons I am learning.
God bless you, Deb! You do good things with your essays, poems, thoughts, photos... and I appreciate it! I appreciate you!
And yes, it is all in the spiritual realm as it always has been when we were innocent enough to believe. Everything in His time. xo
I know this is so cliché Deborah, but God works in mysterious ways. He is divine interception creates the Cowinkydinkys we encounter in our lives. Thank you for sharing this, and I’m in tears. Beautiful and profound. Thank you for writing this inspiring and hopeful piece.
Yes, He does. He is so good. And when we pay attention, He is everywhere. Thank you for reading this and sharing it. I cried big tears with her and after I hung up. It’s hard to hear the pain you went through. I know you know. Love you friend. ox
Thank you so much Chuck. He truly is out in front of us and very near. Trust is the hardest thing. Trusting Him, the most fruitful, even if we are breaking. We are learning and growing, hanging onto the Light in front of us. Curious to see where we end up.
"our family blew apart in 2020 and we couldn’t see two of our grandchildren for over two years" expresses the devastating psychological trauma that many of us were subjected to during covid.
Douglas, yes. Everyone experienced some form of separation for a length of time, or some form of cancellation. What Satan used for ugly and division, God used for good. So many people have passed on, but we can keep following Him into the Light and help others recover and go on.
Wow, what a perfectly timed phone call. God is so good. You needed one another. Devine.
It’s crazy how many people, parents and moms are going through this. I now see how easily my daughter could have shunned me 8 years ago. Why now? I wish I would have known this was going to happen. I would have held on to every precious moment we’ve spent together and every word spoken. I know God’s got this and I will trust. And I will read the book you suggested and pray it helps.
I love you, dear friend. Thank you for your love and guidance. ❤️
Oh Cath, I am so sorry you are in this hurting season. It can take over. I thank God you have the men in your life to love you through this and of course your friends :). It’s crazy to think it could have been 8 years ago, but with time and “education” guess things changed. It’s very sad :(. I’m really glad you got the book and I know that letting go, letting God, and staying focused on all that’s good will help you to keep walking forward.
You know I’m praying for you friend. I’m also praying for renewal and restoration. It will come in the quiet. For both of you. In His time.
I love you friend. Can’t wait to see you again. ox
Wonderful - I'm sitting straining to hear your voices in my head. I had a customer rep tell me recently she was proud of me for attempting to correct a missed payment. I sat silent. Proud of me ? Could she hear the sadness in my voice- the grief that robs me of my memory for mundane tasks. Her words were a balm to my heart. We waste no suffering. We share, we listen, we encourage we love . Keep writing and writing - love you xo
Ahhhh I feel like we are soul sisters. And in the most random of places we can find comfort. That is God. It's never random. What a beautiful person to say they are proud of you. The grief that robs us. I understand that. We don't think it's happening but I understand it. Grief breaks us and can change us for the better. Many everyday things, worries, do tumble away for the moment. And no, we waste no suffering. Thank you for being my hope and for your encouragement. I know God's got His purpose for you on this grief journey too. Love you Mary. ox
Holy cow, Deborah, there is no 'just-so-happens' timing with God. This post is a testament to that. Thank you for your faithfulness and always bringing the most beautiful words and music and video to us. Brava!
Oh Bob! I am now home from babysitting and back to see your beautiful words spread across this piece. God is so good and what we have said, “if we can affect one person, then our job is done” is right here within the story and from the story!! And carries on… Amazing!!!
Can you teach me? to write. I love your writing and feel so honored to call you a friend. Thank you so much. ox
Beautiful piece Deborah! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much for reading it Hege. We are so blessed to write for Lighthouse. Hope you’re having a peaceful weekend. ox
We definitely are! Yes thank you 🙏✨
So beautiful. Amazing how God orchestrates out lives if we pay attention.
Thank you Stephanie. God is an amazing God. Master Artist, Master Musician, Master Creator! He is everywhere. I have never wanted to follow Him more. What Satan used for the absolute worst, God has used for good. For those of us that are still here, since 2020, we can continue to heal and help cross the divide. Prayer is everything. ox
Thank you so much for sharing. I sit here at home alone having read it. The rest of my family at work or school.
Before I even knew this was in my inbox I was questioning the whys, the what's the point.. what is my purpose.. I've let God down too many times to count.. why would he bother with me when he knows I'm just going to disappoint him.. again. I prayed earlier asking God to take me as there is nothing I can offer here after 5 years since stopping work due to health. And then I read your piece. It was amongst an absolute sea of emails. I was going to unsubsribe from a load and do a 'select all' and delete the entire inbox. But something made me click on yours. I don't believe in coincidence either. I think God wanted me to see it and know it's worth being here. Thank you.
Dear Dom, I have been babysitting my little granddaughter since early morning and now is naptime :) Seeing this comment from you overwhelmed my heart. I am so grateful you opened the email. I see you love poetry! Me too! This is a beautiful outlet. Creativity is a sustaining life force. I have met some of the most amazing people on Substack, who have overcome so many challenges, not necessarily “fixed,” but have realized, that even with a disability, God has a purpose for their lives. Two of my favorite people are @Bob Hoebeke and @Kimberly Warner - both with amazing stories/testimonies. In fact, Kimberly’s Substack is called “Unfixed,” and is chalk full of inspiration, interviews, films about people who are living essentially unfixed from rare disabilities. Bob’s story is incredible and although you can find Kimberly’s story on her Substack, Bob interviewed Kimberly last summer:
I think you will find a supernatural community as you move forward knowing you are not alone, and you are most definitely not done. We are never done. There is so much more. I am truly sorry you have felt so isolated and alone. This is the best time to pray, meditate, and perhaps, when you are ready, write your story. To be vulnerable and trust there is someone out there who needs to hear it. Someone who feels just like you. This is how we all begin. If we can affect one person, we have found purpose in our life. A seed which roots, expands into the universe and surrounds you with hope. You are my hope today and with each day forward.
Thank you again and know I have you in my prayers,
deb ox
Thank you for opening your arms to Dom and bringing us into the fold as well Deborah. ❤️
This is one amazing place to be! And as I type I am feeling all the love on my flowery skin. I know you know. How crazy is that? The connectivity of creativity, hope, love, the earth, which extends out onto this magical highway that never stops once you are on it…
I am so grateful Dom is here. That we are all here encouraging one another. ox
Very kind Deb, thank you!
“I've let God down too many times to count.. why would he bother with me when he knows I'm just going to disappoint him.. again” Oh you too, huh? He should have kicked me to the curb a long time ago.
But Dom, that’s what mercy and grace are all about. God - the Creator of the universe, much less you and me, knew we could never be good enough to reside for eternity in His kingdom, so he sent His Son, Jesus Christ to take ALL of our sins on his back, and die with them on the cross. Now THAT’S love!
Chin up, feet moving bro, He’s not nearly done with you! In almost every instance in the Bible God chooses the least of all the people and does great things with them - David, a sheep herder; Mary a fourteen year-old virgin; Moses who tried getting out of what God wanted him to do by claiming he was a stutterer; Nehemiah, a lowly cupbearer to the King, and on I could go with all kinds of examples.
Deborah was kind enough to link to my Substack - if you go there look up “The Voice Behind the Curtain,” and you’ll soon figure out I’m just exactly like you! Let me know how I can help.
I love everything about this Bob. Mercy, grace, redemption and love. We can come back from anything and in the exact way we are meant to be used for His purpose. We are never done until He says so. EVER. ox
So many amazing writers in one place. It's like coming to a feast every day. Today I stopped at your banquet. Thank you.
Nancy, this is so kind! Wow. I feel I am in the company of so many great writers here on Substack and the fact I get a chance to write and be heard is nothing I would have ever imagined. Thank you so much. God is so good. oxox
Oh my word!
I am in tears Deborah.😢
It’s been a while since I had time to spend on Substack, and it feels like coming home.
So many amazing writers.
But your writing style moved me right from the start.
Thank you and God bless you.🙏🏼
Thank you so much for reading this friend. You are a blessing and so encouraging. I must catchup with you. Don’t stop writing or being you. God keep you. oxox
Thank you my friend.
I appreciate your encouragement.
Life happens. Rollercoaster ride.
But God.🙏🏼 He always wins.♥️
I love what you wrote! He ALWAYS wins! Sovereign! Satan can never get in the way of our strength to rise above our situations with God on our side.
My new friend ...
What is going on around us that we are blind to see?
What is going on around us that is unseen?
What does the devil want us to see?
My new friend ... You are the best!
and my verse for today that popped up on my Bible app was this:
“By Faith we understand that the universe has been framed by the word of God, so that what is seen has not been made out of things which are visible.” Hebrews 11:3
AMAZING!!!! Dissect that one!
So glad that we are friends Joel! It’s no coincidence! ox
Everything is connected.
Thanks, Deb! You're a beautiful soul.
This is my second day of feeling used up. I do not like this feeling but it comes around anyway. It's the kind of day to not make any big decisions.
Your words always give me hope.
Much love,
~Jenni :)
Oh Jenni, I am so sorry you are feeling used up. It’s definitely normal! “And this too shall pass.” Good not to make big decisions and to sit with it, rest, meditate, pray and move forward to a fresh new day — repeat, and wait until the heaviness subsides. There is so much goodness and hope in everything and I would never have imagined myself saying this. The process is long, but trust, openness, prayer, listening, and being okay in that valley is key. Because. there. is. more. There is always more for “our” lives. When we get there, in love, following Love, letting go, letting Him, then there is a beauty I can’t describe. We let go of what is supposedly “the right thing to do,” or what is expected of us (our own problem) and we grow. We emotionally get out of other people’s lives, make decisions for what is good for ourselves, gain respect and look forward to what God is going to do with us! I am sending you a huge hug and a lot of love.
This is all spiritual you know! oxoxox
I hear that message, Deb, and I do think that letting go of stuff needs to happen. "The right thing to do" wasn't always right, was it?
I listened to the band, 'America' 's song, "Another Try" yesterday. By accident it came up on Spotify for me to hear again (by accident, right?? :) . It brought me back to that very point, exactly; that point you made.
I loved that song as a young kid, because I wanted The Right Thing To Do, to work! I thought it could if I gave him/her/them/it "another try". It did not work then and it will not work now. It's one of the hardest lessons I am learning.
God bless you, Deb! You do good things with your essays, poems, thoughts, photos... and I appreciate it! I appreciate you!
And yes, it is all in the spiritual realm as it always has been when we were innocent enough to believe. Everything in His time. xo
Thanks Deborah, excellent post and well written.
Thank you so much Martin for reading it. God is so good. Sending you much love. Hope you’re having a peaceful weekend. ox
I know this is so cliché Deborah, but God works in mysterious ways. He is divine interception creates the Cowinkydinkys we encounter in our lives. Thank you for sharing this, and I’m in tears. Beautiful and profound. Thank you for writing this inspiring and hopeful piece.
Yes, He does. He is so good. And when we pay attention, He is everywhere. Thank you for reading this and sharing it. I cried big tears with her and after I hung up. It’s hard to hear the pain you went through. I know you know. Love you friend. ox
Wow, this was beautiful, reminded me of a few similar moments, where God was way out in front of me, reminding me why we’re here…
Thank you so much Chuck. He truly is out in front of us and very near. Trust is the hardest thing. Trusting Him, the most fruitful, even if we are breaking. We are learning and growing, hanging onto the Light in front of us. Curious to see where we end up.
"our family blew apart in 2020 and we couldn’t see two of our grandchildren for over two years" expresses the devastating psychological trauma that many of us were subjected to during covid.
Douglas, yes. Everyone experienced some form of separation for a length of time, or some form of cancellation. What Satan used for ugly and division, God used for good. So many people have passed on, but we can keep following Him into the Light and help others recover and go on.
Wow, what a perfectly timed phone call. God is so good. You needed one another. Devine.
It’s crazy how many people, parents and moms are going through this. I now see how easily my daughter could have shunned me 8 years ago. Why now? I wish I would have known this was going to happen. I would have held on to every precious moment we’ve spent together and every word spoken. I know God’s got this and I will trust. And I will read the book you suggested and pray it helps.
I love you, dear friend. Thank you for your love and guidance. ❤️
Oh Cath, I am so sorry you are in this hurting season. It can take over. I thank God you have the men in your life to love you through this and of course your friends :). It’s crazy to think it could have been 8 years ago, but with time and “education” guess things changed. It’s very sad :(. I’m really glad you got the book and I know that letting go, letting God, and staying focused on all that’s good will help you to keep walking forward.
You know I’m praying for you friend. I’m also praying for renewal and restoration. It will come in the quiet. For both of you. In His time.
I love you friend. Can’t wait to see you again. ox
Wonderful - I'm sitting straining to hear your voices in my head. I had a customer rep tell me recently she was proud of me for attempting to correct a missed payment. I sat silent. Proud of me ? Could she hear the sadness in my voice- the grief that robs me of my memory for mundane tasks. Her words were a balm to my heart. We waste no suffering. We share, we listen, we encourage we love . Keep writing and writing - love you xo
Ahhhh I feel like we are soul sisters. And in the most random of places we can find comfort. That is God. It's never random. What a beautiful person to say they are proud of you. The grief that robs us. I understand that. We don't think it's happening but I understand it. Grief breaks us and can change us for the better. Many everyday things, worries, do tumble away for the moment. And no, we waste no suffering. Thank you for being my hope and for your encouragement. I know God's got His purpose for you on this grief journey too. Love you Mary. ox
Back atcha kiddo !!
Holy cow, Deborah, there is no 'just-so-happens' timing with God. This post is a testament to that. Thank you for your faithfulness and always bringing the most beautiful words and music and video to us. Brava!
I hung up and cried more. God is so good. Thank you for reading and for this beautiful comment. I so appreciate you and your faithfulness too. ox
Will you teach me how to write like you? Magnificent, and soooo sensitive! Thank you for your availability to others!
Oh Bob! I am now home from babysitting and back to see your beautiful words spread across this piece. God is so good and what we have said, “if we can affect one person, then our job is done” is right here within the story and from the story!! And carries on… Amazing!!!
Can you teach me? to write. I love your writing and feel so honored to call you a friend. Thank you so much. ox