Oct 5Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

So much to think about within this story and such a reminder to have faith and keep faith. The rap writing is good, Deborah! You are channeling this for a reason. Let it out and let it shine! 🌟💫

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Thank you so much Trudi for reading and leaving me such a kind comment. We do need to keep letting our light shine! You have a beautiful one and I hope you never stop either! oxox

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18 hrs agoLiked by Alexander Semenyuk

Some things I just know

Some things I just feel

and then there's the flow

that your writings reveal.

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Oct 6Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Thank you, thank you! A timely message for Christians in our nation right now. Well, worldwide, as the forces of secular humanism are used by Satan to wring the art out of our lives without paying us our due. And, this is so immensely readable!

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

A great word, Deborah. The sea is mighty stirred up of late, but faith, His faith, is a floaty thing! Our enemy TRIES to discourage by our constant dunking, but we have a destination, and a message. Thanks for the encouragement! (and the rap!)

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Thank you so much Ron! You are so right! We gotta keep the faith no matter how we feel. We can't sink on that log! There's other loved ones and friends that might have greater faith than us, when we're going through hard times. It's okay to be the one that's weak, as long as we can see how God works with those close to us! He can pull us off the log if we can see!

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I needed this reminder of hope today. Thank you for sharing your story.

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Hi Brie-Anna, thank you so much for reading! I am so glad and blessed that this might help you. We are allowed to go through doubt, pain and madness even. But what's so great is when there are those around us who take their turn to be the big ship. We just have to see them and see how God places friends, family and those stronger than us, into our lives. Doesn't mean they won't be on the log at some other point. Then suddenly we are the strong ones for them. It's always amazing to me how if we trust God, He provides and he brings people around us who will help pull us up. We help each other. That's love in a nutshell. His unfailing love even when we think we're failing. He's near.

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Thank you for this hope you’ve dropped in my lap today! I needed to read this.

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