
This is an incredible story. It goes to show that sometimes there is no choice but to weather the storm and walk through. I’m so grateful that you’re finding financial success after so much loss of both finances and family. God bless and I look forward to seeing your work grow!

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Thank you, so glad to have your support and to read your work.

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What a story, Alex.

It was a nightmare but you managed to ficus on the things that matter.

I’m very happy for you and I’m following your steps closely 😉

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You are an inspiration!

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Oh Alex, you know our story (with many details left out too) and I can't believe, in reflection tonight, when we met, and I shared our story with you.. you were holding this trauma inside. We have so much in common. We literally fled two homes. My heart hurts to know what you went through and I can testify to God's goodness and protection in the midst of so much. Thank God for our loving parents and for your sister. I am deeply sorry for the terrible atrocities and losses of your friends back home 🇺🇦 and the loss of your grandmother 😔 You are very strong and I thank God your talent for writing has been a saving grace, despite Satan's attack on your former blog. You were meant to be here. I also hurt to hear you had to sell your camera. I lost all my contracts when Covid hit, so I deeply understand - but if you need a camera there might be something I can do for you. We were definitely meant to meet. God keep you, your beautiful faithful wife and your sweet boy. Thank God life is calm for him now and he can sleep in his bed. Sending you all so much love. ox

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Yes, it’s incredible in a way to have this connection, thought hard experiences and faith, plus writing.

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Jul 5Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Whatever the truly terrible circumstances I come away from this writing with the feeling that you and your family are so strong, an inspiration.

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You are an inspiration as well!

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Jul 5Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I'm sorry you and your family went through so much pain and fear. May your life continue to be safe and happy. And may you keep achieving even more grandiose milestones. Congratulations!

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Thanks a lot, blessings to you!

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Jul 5Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

Dear Alex,

My heart goes to you n yours. 🙏😇

It is a great honour to be the one who hit the mark for you! I am very grateful that we re-connect again through writing but in a different platform. 👍

Though I was disappointed with the previous place, I didn't know they were so bad as to do that to you n other writers too. It is very sad to hear this had happened to many writers.🥲

However, I think it probably is a blessing in disguise cos Substack definitely is a better place to be.✌️💪

Once again, I wish you all the best. Sending you n yours lots of love n light!💕✨

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Thank you, 100% ended up being a good thing!

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Jul 6Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

Oh my goodness. God bless you and your beautiful family.

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Thank you!

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Jul 6Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Thanks Alexander, and I thought we had bad neighbours!

Glad you got out and that you were able to grow through the experience:

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

(Rom 8:28)

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For sure, thank you

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It is interesting that in amongst this story you mentioned that you had to sell your camera, which was a major blow to you.

I know how you feel, I too had to sell my lovely camera many years ago and it was a great loss. I hope you have been able to get something like a nice camera now?!

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Not yet, but maybe in the future, how ever God wills things to be

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The Lord makes the crooked places straight. God bless you for sharing this! 🌻 I know a warrior for the Kingdom when I see one.

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That is very kind of you. God is really great and can get us through harshest of times.

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My goodness! The HOA and the police failed you all. I can't imagine. Glad you are out and glad you are rebuilding!

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Thank you, goes to show that we should only put faith in God

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Jul 5Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Congratulations! You have certainly earned the accolades!

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Jul 7Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

These trials had you dig so deep and refined your faith. Blessings are here 🙌❤️

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For sure! Thank you :)

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Jul 7Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

You are one strong human being who is a beacon to the rest of us who read your work.

I have no idea how I came to find you here on Substack but I am so glad that I did. What you have gone through is a terrible thing for your family in Ukraine, you, your wife and your son. Yet you give peace to your readers. You are loved by so many who now know your story. And before we knew, we still saw something in you and in your writing that struck a deep chord in our souls. Amen.

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This means a lot to me, Jenni, you’ve always been so kind and supportive, I really appreciate the love that you’ve sent my way.

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Jul 7Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

And I appreciate the love you have shown me over the short period of time since I discovered your writings here.

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Oh my Alex your story makes mine sound easy. I am sorry your family went through this. Prayers for your son. I am glad I found you on Substack and got to really talk with you.

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You are such a wonderful friend and supporter, thank you!

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

OH my goodness! My heart goes out to you and your family Alexander. Going through that kind of trauma is tough, but God doesn’t give us anything we can’t handle. And now has blessed you with abundance. Sending you my love. 🤗💖

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I always liked the idea about God not giving more than we can handle, I believe it, it helps me!

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It is funny you said that. I just heard C.S. Lewis say " instead of asking God to take away the problem, ask him in. With the presence of God he makes even your enemies be at peace with you."

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What a story! I didn't know what to expect when I opened your article, and my jaw dropped while reading it. What are faith and hope and love for, if not to carry us through times in which we experience little faith, little hope, and little love? I am glad you have been able to resolve your troubles.

To better times!

And, congratulations!

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I agree, faith can go long ways!

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