
This is such good advice. I love the thought of replacing a self-sabotaging thought with a better thought. Takes practice. After going through extreme cruelty in 2020 and then the death of my dad it took a lot for me to climb out of that self-sabotage state. Without God, I don't know...

Thank you for your inspiration and good advice Alexander. ox

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With God all is possible.

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May 2Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Complex topic. Self esteem is involved. Meditation helps to elevate our fears and move forward based on our heart's guidance. Listen to the still small voice. The voice from God and spirit. The heart is true to itself. Whatever is true to ourself is not self sabotage.

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I like that. Listening to God.

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There was a scene in Emile Zola's Therese Raquin that used this in a most hilarious and macabre fashion. Hard to know what to do with self-sabotage. I should think in some cases it's worth resisting the effort. But on the whole, we must certainly do it for a reason.

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Yes, fascinating.

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May 7Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

What an intriguing topic, Alexander! Most of us can totally relate to that struggle between a gut feeling and just plain fear. I appreciate the focus on replacing negative patterns with new ones as a strategy for overcoming self-sabotage. It provides valuable insights into understanding and navigating our internal dynamics.

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Glad you found it interesting!

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May 3Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

'...the deliberate attempt to suppress certain thoughts makes them more likely to surface.'

I think it helps to take a more composed, measured approach to such fearful thoughts.

This reduces their intensity and enables us to be more rational and level headed when tackling the challenges/problems that we're fearful towards.

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Wow! You know I pull tarot cards for the day (in my horoscope) and the card I pulled for tomorrow brings up this exact point (7 of Swords) about giving in to subconscious programs of self-sabotage. Sometimes we don't realize we are "doing the thing" we always do until we are in the thick of it, or worse, having already done it and looking back at the aftermath. Just being aware of our ingrained habits and doing one little thing different can be life-changing. I recently was thinking to myself, as I literally ran around the house trying to get everything on my to-do list done, a list that I filled up myself, "I just don't have the time," and I immediately turned that around and said, "I have plenty of time." If I keep telling myself I don't have enough time, eventually I won't have anytime at all, because I will have stressed myself into the grave. Our thoughts have consequences and the ways in which we internally support or sabotage ourselves are very powerful--and literal. Thank you for the thought-provoking read!

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That is so interesting, and I love your personal example, it’s something many of us can take note about and adjust!

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May 2Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Intuition vs instinct. God's guidance vs survival. Every day. Much love and gratitude.

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So good!

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It's tough to stay present. 🙏🏻💙

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I agree, it’s constant work in a way.

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All these little fears are just reminders to stay present I guess. At least that's how I try to use them.

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