
Thank you for sharing your health experience and diet. Celery juice is a new one to me! I love the holistic approach as a first choice to anything I am feeling. As is all of our personal choices -- it's personal :) I don't expect everyone to be like me and I too learned a lot about that these last few years! yikes.

When my dad was first diagnosed with muscular invasive bladder cancer he and my mom went about it by getting three different doctor's opinions. He chose not to let any doctor take away "his parts" as he called them and instead did something similar to you (except celery juice). First, by choice he chose a radical radiation trial. Then he quit his British tea, traded for green tea, quit coffee, quit sugar, took in a lot of blueberries (which they grew in the garden in Oregon), put broccoli sprouts on everything, and so much more. Dad was given one year or less to live. He bought 17 more and passed at 84 years old.

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Amazing, it’s like a story of a man who was given a few month to live in US, moved to Blue Zones in Greece, ate only from family garden and lived another 40 years, over 100+ years old.

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Jan 16Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

Brother, I can’t vouch for prayer--your relationship with God is your own--but I can vouch for the HUGE impact of diet on your health and well-being. It’s not easy if you’re used to eating what most Americans eat... but once you cut out the processed foods, the enriched flour, and the added sugar, you WILL feel like a million bucks.

And once your body no longer has to work so hard to process all the crap, it can devote its energy to fighting off whatever disease you may be struggling with.

Getting outside and running, or any other exercise, is only going to compound these positive effects.

It probably won’t cure cancer or anything, of course... but it will make you healthy, happy, and resilient, and you won’t succumb to the seasonal crud or the various infections humans tend to pass around.

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I agree, we are given amazing tool for health through nature!

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Tell me: did you have faith all your life, or did you come to it over time? I haven’t been reading your writing that long, maybe you’ve already answered this question.

I grew up without religion—in fact, very skeptical of it—but I’ve been questioning a lot of my assumptions recently. Curious of the experiences of those who find faith, rather than being born into it.

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I have grown to have more faith, today more than ever before, I thought I had faith when I was young but I know now that I was wrong

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Jan 16Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Agree with you Al. God has healed me emotionally , mentally , physically ..... all thru my love for Him and this beautiful world we live in.

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

-- In my experience, Alexander, in the whispers of uncertainty, faith is a steadfast companion, guiding us through the shadows and illuminating the path ahead. I appreciate your words. 🤎 xo.

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I agree, God has helped me so much, it’s amazing to think about.

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Jan 16Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I did something similar with carrot juice, celery and apple and a visualisation technique. But I think belief and faith play the greatest role of all 🙏

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Yes apple and carrots as well, part of my daily diet now!

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Come on somebody!!! Good stuff my brother

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Jan 16Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I wanna write a longer comment because I resonate with physical ailments going hand-in-hand with spiritual warfare, but I'm pressed for time for a meeting.

Point being, brother, I'm also on the same path. I no longer eat meat, only fish 1-2x/month, not even dairy, eggs, ultra-processed. And yeah, I used to have a mysterious illness but it healed just by fasting.

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It’s amazing what natural ways God gives us!

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Jan 16Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Your love for Jesus , and making such a big commitment to yourself is admirable. Proud of you. Thank you for this.

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Thanks a lot, glad you read it!

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Jan 16Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

What a great story, so happy you came out on the other side feeling so much better and healthier. I believe in natural first it has served me well. In a short bit I am going to post an article I think would be helpful on anxiety disorder. I truly believe that knowledge is power. Thank you for posting.

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That’s huge also, anxiety causes a lot of problems!

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Jan 16Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

That's great Alexander.

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Read the book Breath by james nestor, Alexander. ALL prayer, invocations, om type chants in any belief system have a recurrent pattern of breathing (5.5 seconds in 5 second out from memory). This is proven healing to the body. Also putting out your intention into the universe brings a response as long as you are willing to show you are doing the work toward it. Nuts and organ meats (very organic) also good. Psychically we are on the threshold of understanding so much more mind/body-it will happen very quickly I think.

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Breathing is fascinating, my wife is actually releasing a whole program soon that’s part of that.

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Jan 16Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

That is amazing, encouraging, and THANK YOU for sharing this! God is GOOD!

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Yes! God is amazing, glad you liked this!

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Thanks for this.

Is it safe to assume you lost a lot of weight? I would disappear on this diet.

For my hypothyroid I did The Plan which helps figure out which foods are inflammatory. It gives you a list of non-inflammatory foods to start with based on studying thousands of people. The most inflammatory foods are surprising, salmon, oat meal, for example. Anyway it really helped.

Point being, for nuts, I used to eat walnuts and almonds, but now only almonds because walnuts are inflammatory. Also for animal protein I still to chicken because turkey is inflammatory.

Where do you get the celery juice?

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I lost some weight, but not a ton since I already never weight a lot. For celery I just bought fresh ones at whole foods and squeezed.

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Thanks so much Alexander!

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Jan 16Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Incredible discipline, Alexander. That pulled you through. I think all of that must have built up your immune system tremendously. It sounds as if you are (almost) a vegetarian/vegan even? I am working towards that myself..

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Thank you for encouragement, I eat meat, but less than before, more seafood. Way less things like salami now, very rarerly

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Jan 16Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Yes - it seems processed foods are the worst... If you look at the labels you see a list of chemicals...

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That checks out. Facts.

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I'm so glad for you. Everyone has to experiment and figure out what works for our body. God has certainly created our bodies to do amazing things. It's too bad that we allowed so many poisonous chemicals into our food and water supply.

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So true, and thank you!

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Jan 16Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

These are great practical steps!! I'm a firm believer in the post dinner fast.

The longer we can give our bodies to digest the better. Digestion takes a lot of energy, it's best to spread it out over a long period of time.

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