In twilight dreams dance

Reality’s mooring firm

Joy waltzes between

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Here's mine:

Missing the kitty

Who never adopted me

Farewell, Zen master

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Love it!

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You're very kind. Missing my feral kitty who is MIA since Feb 23. Hope he turns up soon😿

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oh no! So sorry, I only now saw this comment!

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deletedMar 1
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It's been a full week and still no Sneaky. So worried. 😿

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my sisters cat was gone for 2 weeks but then was found

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Awww. That's wonderful. Never give up!

I'm not giving up on Sneaky. Every time I go outside I call to him. 😻

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deletedMar 1Liked by Alexander Semenyuk
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Thank you that gives me hope.

Bear in mind (and apologies for the long note), my two kitties are both completely feral. We live in the very wild canyons of Los Angeles, with bobcats, coyotes, etc. I do TNR, and have been feeding Floofles who comes almost every night since I TNR'ed her 8 years ago. Just in the past two weeks, for the first time ever she has been stepping inside the house to eat! Of course I leave the door open and she leaves if I make any move toward her. But it's a huge development!

Anyway, to your point, Floofles stopped showing up for 10 MONTHS a few years back! I was so sad but somehow in my heart I knew she was still around. When I saw her come back to our yard I couldn't believe my eyes! But it was the same clipped ear from my TNR and my sweet Floofles had returned looking totally fine.

Sneaky is relatively recent, started showing up about 2 years ago. He's also fixed and has been coming every night for two years. It's just weird that he suddenly stopped coming after February 23rd. On that same day, the beautiful bobcat showed up, but Sneaky came that night AFTER the bobcat appearance, so I don't really think it's related. But maybe Sneaky smells the bobcat and is just staying away?

Here's a link to their Instagram including the video of the bobcat, if you're interested. Thank you for listening!


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Feb 29Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Dreams and reality

Comedy and gravity

Is it just a duality

Or natural depravity

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Really great, love these rhymes

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Really great, love these rhymes

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In the metaverse

Dreams manifest as code streams

New realities

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Very relevant!

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Earth remembers you

From the pure cosmic codas

dreams are the trail maps

(but not the territory)

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Deep and mystical, very nice

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Beauty is being

Alive in the midst of night

Where mind is empty


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Lovely, paints a nice image for me

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Feathers drift in dreams,

Mountains stand in stark reality—

Between, hope gleams.

In dreams, a kettle sings,

Under reality's vast sky—

Each to the other, wings.

A clock ticks in dreams slow,

While reality's river flows fast—

Time's dance, high and low.

Paper boats in dreams sail,

On reality's concrete paths—

Imagination's trail.

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It painted a really beautiful image in my mind, thank you

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Restless in darkness

Disgusted insomniac

Imagining dreams

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Thats me sometimes lol

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Dreaming of forming

Something beautiful in the

Haiku feed, not quite.

*Leaves you a cup of green tea

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hahah so good

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Pictures in your mind

That are your reality

Are only a dream

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Love this!

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Mar 1Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

This's somehow a hard one for me.

Dreams with reality.


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I love that one :)

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Apr 3Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

One butterfly

a life in flight feeling all

I slept hard last night

First attempt I've made at haiku in years. It's a tough form but interesting to work with. Thanks.

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Daydreams at twilight

Between sunset and the night

Who’s to say what’s real?

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Nice imagery!

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Mar 2Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Thanks for this great prompt 💕

Here's mine.


The revenge

of reality occurs

when absolute confusion

brings a dissolution

of the fruition

of my dreams

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Really great

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Thanks 💕

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Mar 1Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Lots of lovely poems and a great prompt. I will see if I think of one. I like yours very much!

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Thank you!

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