
I agree with this Alexander. To me this reminds me of surrendering. I believe when we create and do things with love, to express our truths and contribute powerfully that’s all we can do. Results are not in our hands.

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Yes, thank you for reading and thinking about it

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Great piece Alex! Can't agree more ✨🙏🏻

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Thank you!

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Aug 7Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

People forget that the promise to followers of Christ is that he sustains us through whatever comes our way. That should be reward enough in this life because we know what comes next!

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Yes, sometimes tough to understand, but that’s what it is.

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Oh - your quote... I write not because I expect there will be a big breakthrough, despite wishing so, but I write because that is my God given talent and I’ll explore it to the depth of my abilities..

Me too!

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Glad to know!

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Aug 7Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Matthew 6:19-21

New King James Version

Lay Up Treasures in Heaven

19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

I re-read your post three times. No use of Scripture, chapter or verse…for either perspective…rewards or no rewards.

May I suggest that a serious examination of the issue you raise would begin with a word search using the term “reward/rewards” of the entire Bible, use the version you prefer. Then, prioritize the passages in which God, Moses and Jesus use the term. Then, assemble the general theme of “rewards” found in the Bible. All of this suggests an independent search of the “Word” and it does not consider what any pastor has preached- for or against.


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Love that verse, thank you

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In the NT, NKJV, the word “reward” appears 29 times, 12 times in the Gospel of Matthew.

The word “rewards” appears only 4 times, only in the OT.

To better process what you have written, a few sermons or false-preaching examples would need to be shared so we can get “ on your wave-length.” Thank you.

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These are personal sermons I’ve heard in various churches, but I won’t call any church or specific person out as I don’t know their heart, and most likely they mean well.

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Aug 7Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Two years ago, about 200 Christians paid to share fellowship and receive preaching from a leading Christian Pastor. His topic was “rewards” on top of Salvation, and he furnished Scripture in support of his thesis. I believed he erred when he used his personal airline reward program as a metaphor to explain how he believes the Bible promises such rewards.

He described a back-and-forth of bumping, then being bumped, then re-bumping status holding frequent fliers as they all sought one available first-class seat. As he went on, he had a cheering section. During the “sermon” I was processing Jesus’ who told us “to be first, we must be last” and,” when invited as a guest for dinner, don’t take a “high” seat, because we can be bumped down, rather, take a low seat, so we can only be moved up.” I went to bed uneasy because the preacher was boasting about the way he “gamed” an airline’s reward system in order to gain a first class seat. I did not sleep well. At breakfast, I saw a man I met two years earlier and he asked me what I thought about “last night’s sermon.” I told him how I was troubled by the incongruence between the anointed preacher and Scripture from Christ - all on the topic of seeking to be first.

I drove home and pondered things. I wanted to tell men in my Bible studies & elsewhere. But, I applied scripture to myself. I knew the rules, “I had to first go to the man, privately.”

I searched every way to reach the man but was limited to one portal, his website which invites correspondence. I wrote to him after praying. I spelled my concerns out, just as I have here. I waited for a response. About two weeks later, I received a fund-raising response to my correspondence that acknowledged that I had written, but did not reference the topic I raised. So, I understand your response to me. I hope that - for the preachers you have heard on the topic of “rewards”, that you have gone to them, as that is how we have been instructed. Blessings, Phil

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That is very sad situation you described, matches what I’m talking about very well actually.

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Aug 9Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I would say that we do get a reward, as the most important rewards are Not material, but spiritual - increased faith, comfort, peace, and more. That is where the Real treasure lies and a most precious reward. When we follow the world, that reward is far from us and we seldom even see it.

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Aug 8Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Luke 17:9-11

New King James Version

9 Does he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded [a]him? I think not. 10 So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.’ ”

The verse that came to mind while reading your post. We don't live for rewards. We live for Christ and His glory. Not to say that He doesn't see though. There is comfort in knowing He DOES see your work, and there is an eternity awaiting us someday with blessings beyond what we can imagine:

Ephesians 1:17-19

New King James Version

17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18 the eyes of your [a]understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

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Thank you for these wonderful verses

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Aug 8Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

If you do things in hopes of a reward, you’re really only doing it for you. Or you feel bribed and do the thing grudgingly rather than whole heartedly. I agree with your take.

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Very true

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Aug 7Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

So needed for me and trying to witness to a friend whose Buddhist and another whose Jehovah Witness.

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It is possible with good example and patience, Holy Spirit may reach out

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Expect nothing - give everything. I too follow what you described.

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Aug 7Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

The reward is Christs' love and peace with yourself, and that's all the reward we could ever hope for.

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This an absolutely beautiful post!

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Thank you!

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Aug 7Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

"Yet, we must understand, even in the silence God shows himself through our strength to endure. " Absolutely! A person who grows in love, isn't motivated by rewards, other than positive human interaction.

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Aug 7Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Kindness goes a long 😼 way.

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For sure

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