
Alexander, you are a gem. I am deeply sorry for what happened to your family and so glad you shared their story here. You honor your Great Grandfather and Great Grandmother. I agree with every ounce of what you said about letting all voices be heard and the outcome of our discernment. I have loved these two quotes over the years: "Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist." - Salman Rushdie "Censorship is to art as lynching is to justice." - Henry Louis Gates

Thank you.

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Thank you for the kind words and those quotes are amazing, saving them!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

Alexander, I read this with great interest and agree that exposure to what communism is can help foster understanding and help people make informed views and choices. I come from China and when I was very young my family fled the country at the height of the Cultural Revolution. So I am familiar with the kind of atrocities you mentioned. I am very sorry to hear what happened to your ancestors. I believe telling personal stories about life under Communist regime is very important to promote the kind of exposure you talked about. That's why I am also telling my stories of Communist China.

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Louisa, thank you for this great comment, your stories will help many people understand and learn. It helps clear any confusion from people’s minds. Have you heard of Watchman Nee’s story?

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Thank you! That is my wish. I haven't heard of Watchman Nee. Can you share more please?

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He was a Chinese preacher, very wise, imprisoned by the regime last century. Wrote amazing material, I read his stuff.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

When my husband and I first became Christians as teens we were encouraged to read Watchman Nee. Wonderful books🙂

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Awesome, indeed some of the best!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I see. Thanks for the introduction. I'll look up his work.

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I’m also a fan of Francis Chen, he’s an American-Chinese preacher, has a very interesting personal history.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Thank you for sharing Alexander. Evil has always been with us. Trying to explain these historical holocausts in humanistic terms only gives victory to Satan. We fight on our knees. Our time on Earth is finite, yet with Yahweh we are infinite. Praise Yah!!!

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So true, many don’t understand this, Satan does not eat, does not sleep, never tires, only way to beat him is with humility and prayer.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

AMEN my brother in Christ!!!!

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Much wisdom in your piece Alexander, well done. Looking forward to hearing more about your testimony. Our stories are so important; they bring Jesus glory.

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100%, All glory to God, any that I ever have.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I like this phrase. How can we have glory? We are so limited compared to the divine things we don't understand. XO

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That’s a perfect description of our state.

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Somehow too many of us here in this country got de-sensitized about the horrific effect on families under communism. I still get a sick feeling inside hearing about massacres even though I know these things happen all the time. My hope is that ill-informed Americans, esp. young generations, will learn about personal stories like yours and stop romancing communism altogether or stop entertaining some ideas of it. It's a shame that education and intentional dumbing down culture in the past 30 years has been such a failure on our youth learning about world affairs.

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Your comment is really great, a lot of depth to this discussion. Education has been a huge issue here, and dehumanizing others and desensitizing people is at shocking levels. I think that’s why people can make memes and jokes over massacres and wars, children dying, but when you think about it even for a minute, how can such things ever be a laughing matter? Studying real history and understanding others and other cultures is also very important. Lots to think about.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Thank you for sharing the story of your family and your perspective.

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Thanks for reading!

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I am a bit lost for words, but history should be remembered and told, so as not to be repeated. I am sorry for the tragedy your family endured.

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Hi Alex, your story is so moving. It reminded me of what happened with Russia where a certain part of the country was intentionally starved to death (millions I think) till they began to eat the dead bodies and trade them. Very devastating atrocities happened in the communist era, yet the millennial generation cannot see they have been programmed to advocate it. Capitalism has its faults but communism is far worse. Thank you for your bravery in sharing. How we need more of these stories to get real perspectives on history so we do not make the same mistakes. Glory to God.

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Thank you so much for this comment, it encourages me and others too I’m sure, some people worry to share, but it’s so important.

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Thank you for this, Alexander. The histories you referred to are vanishing with time. Americans especially are so insulated from those horrors in Russia, Ukraine, Germany, China, South America, they don't see the processes already working in our country now.

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Very true, when people are not aware things can come very “suddenly”, although those who are aware see it building.

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Communism stories from who lived through it, was what made me understand that I was lied to way too many times within the regular educational system. I’m grateful that I got to learn that perhaps what I was told was only a part of truth and sometimes, not truth at all... thinking like that keeps me on my toes.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Quickly read through it before my day starts. Truly appreciate your sharing. I just think human beings shouldn't kill each other deliberately and really just put humanity and people first before money. Then we wouldn't feel so desperate in this world and so competitive. Thank you for sharing. XO

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One day it’ll happen thanks to God.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

What a beautiful post Alexander and so sorry your ancestors were persecuted like this. What you wrote reminds me of something rather, well, convicting , thatGod put on my heart earlier this month. I am thinking of posting it in my Substack as a post and thought I would share it here since it is close to what you're writing about. I write about how God spoke something to my heart so that's what I mean by "He then spoke to me..."

"He then spoke to me that many Christians have been duped and have followed a path that has led them away from the Light and down into a dungeon of HATE. He said that COLORS (red vs. blue), and CAUSES (pro life vs. pro choice), CANDIDATES (Biden vs. Trump) and DIRECTIONS (left vs. right) have blinded His people from seeing the Truth, which is LOVE from a pure heart.

Instead of CONDEMNING others who sin differently than you sin (different lifestyles, sexual orientations, political views, even how other Christians choose to worship), Jesus desires that you to LOVE, from a pure heart. Put DOWN your protest sign and pick up your Bible instead. This includes praying for those who hate or persecute you.

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That is truly powerful and beautiful, I think you should 100% make a whole post about it, because this really speaks to people on a higher level and the more we post about it the more chance that it’ll grow and help others. It’s a big service for all, we must not have any worry to share, even if it does feel doubtful or difficult sometimes, I was nervous to share my post, but I’m glad I did.

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

ME TOO! Thank you for the encouragement! Sometimes it is hard to "cross the chicken line" and post because I really want to inspire others to think about what they are saying and doing WITHOUT condemning them, right?

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For sure, we must approach others always realizing that we are sinners as well.

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Terrible. Sorry to hear. In one age to another there are atrocities that have happened to us. What is the solution?

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Thank you so much. I can only think of seeking God on a personal level and standing up to what is wrong in ways that we can.

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I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your family, Alexander. I also think there shouldn't be a lot of censorship, unless it's hate speech and/or promoting violence.

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Thank you so much. I agree. I l’m also personally most concerned about sexualization of children and human trafficking, I think it’s a subject many neglect.

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deletedDec 15, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk
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Glad you thought so, sending love!

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deletedDec 14, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk
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Thank you for reading, really appreciate your comment. These are important topics to explore for sure.

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