May 27Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

It’s beautiful how simple objects can not only become such poignant vessels of sentimentality, but carry the weight of our collective history. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and thoughtful reflection on your nostalgia. You have a beautiful family! <3

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Thank you, Maya! So true, btw, what city in Ukraine is your origin?

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May 27Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

My father’s whole family is from Odessa! (However they relocated to Germany and Canada over the years) How about yourself? :)

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Really cool. My mom’s side are from Lviv and dad’s from Lutsk. We had some distant ancestors who escaped early last century to US. I found one distant cousin here actually.

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May 29Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I am blest with a pretty good long term memory. I find that most of the memories are just like a movie in my mind. Even the bad memories are like a photo or movie. Don't know if I always see the tiny details but the scene and the emotions come back clearly. As a kid the most magical place for myself and my siblings was my maternal grandma's farm. The smell of zest soap is a topic of conversation among my sibs and I as being reminiscent of the farm. That soap is what was used always in the linoleum long narrow bathroom with the high-sided claw foot tub and the sink by the window. Funny how a glass bottle with a red cap can be so important years later, and as well, that Zest soap smell. :)

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Special memories can be attached to such simple things.

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How sweet and lovely! I'm glad you were able to have those moments with your family. Thank you for sharing them with us, as well!

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Thank you for reading, really appreciate your comments, always.

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May 28Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

You don't always remember the big things people did as you was a child, but rather the small ones attached to more senses. Loving gesture+good taste= it's stored in the brain for ever. I have it the same way with my grandmother. Once in a while we children would have a soda "Tuborg Squash" on a hot day in her garden. We loved it, and I still get sentimental when I see such a soda now remembering her!

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That is wonderful. Beautiful part of being human.

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May 28Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

This is a beautiful reminiscence of that strange power even the most commonplace things have to hold memories. We could pass years, forget about things, and then see a related object out of nowhere, and BOOM, the memories, and feelings rush back into us... Lovely work here, truly~

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Very glad you enjoyed it :)

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May 27Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

So sweet! Looks like a beautiful day for enjoying the simple pleasures of life and family!

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For sure!

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May 27Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

How can you drink that stuff? It's poison if you ask me.

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That’s why I only have soda a few times a year!

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Oh ok, but I wouldn't . They may put a vaccine in it.

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they used to put cocaine in them long time ago, lol

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Times do change.

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May 27Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Such treats motivate us to greater motivations, and great memories, however having them everyday shows them up for the garbage that they are and reflects the fact that the rich western countries have lived on the treats rather than on the good food- they have gone for entertainment of stimulation, not the beauty of the reality of life.

Your little country town is a reflection of the niceness of reality, the city is the result of this "reality" when it has gone too far.

I remember loving to eat cream buns with lots of jam and puff pastry such as chocolate eclairs - now they make me sick just looking at them!

Unfortunately Coke is a drink that has the short term joy with the long term pain, which is indicative of the entire western societies products- junk that looks good for a short time but in the long run destroys not only your health but your wealth.

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For sure, I only have soda 2-3 times a year!

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Well done.

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RemovedMay 27Liked by Alexander Semenyuk
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