
“For so long they bravely fought for the golden throne, laying down their lives. Then came a short time of peace under our holy lady Rumary. The ground and the trees wept when her spirit departed to dwell in heaven and the rains of pain and sorrow came again. The wise old priests bled from their hands as they prayed, seeing the future of sorrows as the new Golden King rose to power. Once more the knights were called upon. This time to be part of their toughest battle yet. To conquer endlessly."

Until we reach "inside thy Golden Gate" -

So Biblical, so the way of the world that never ceases to repeat itself - you have captured it in this story. Jesus as the Golden King of Sorrows. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” - Mat 11:28-30

Thank you for sharing this Alexander!

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“For so long they bravely fought for the golden throne, laying down their lives. Then came a short time of peace under our holy lady Rumary. The ground and the trees wept when her spirit departed to dwell in heaven and the rains of pain and sorrow came again. The wise old priests bled from their hands as they prayed, seeing the future of sorrows as the new Golden King rose to power. Once more the knights were called upon. This time to be part of their toughest battle yet. To conquer endlessly."

Until we reach "inside thy Golden Gate" -

So Biblical, so the way of the world that never ceases to repeat itself - you have captured it in this story. Jesus as the Golden King of Sorrows. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” - Mat 11:28-30

Thank you for sharing this Alexander!

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It’s really cool that you see the metaphors, most of this book is all metaphors, something I’ve never done before.

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I could feel them throughout! I haven't been much of a fiction reader and yet this was so good in the Tolkien way. I could visualize all of it, as gruesome as it gets, but the contrast of brothers, good (bad) and evil (good), light and dark, one brother truly wicked "bad," (disguised as good) his reign of terror (the crusades), an ugly King, who then murders his "bad" brother (an inherently good brother and obvious threat) - (oh the ways of the world!!) who then was brought back to life/re-birth as the true Golden King of Sorrows (Jesus). The wise old man of the swamp as castaway, Bartimaeus? I could go on and on! It makes me want to read my Bible!! So good Alexander!!!!!

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I’ll save your comment to post if you don’t mind!

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Yess! and I just restacked! You are a wonderful mind :) and writer!

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Thank you, it means a lot, will inspire me to write a bit extra tonight for sure!

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Someone just said to me writing is all about communication and those who we communicate with. I pray your writing communicates a supernatural curiosity of Jesus. ox

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I am looking forward to reading it too! 🙌🏻

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It’s pretty intense!

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Feb 14Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Alexander Semenyuk

I work too much! I have not read this yet! Will do on the plane to Hawaii. So looking forward to it. You are truly brilliant.

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Thank you, that’s awesome, I’m writing a new longer novel now, will be good p

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