
Merissa! This is soooo good! You are a wonderful storyteller and such an appropriate first piece here! The lighthouse of hope ✨ I am amazed by you and extremely proud of you! 🙌🏻

Congratulations! What an amazing God we have! 🥳 🙏🏻 ox

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Aw, thank you so much, Deborah!! That is so sweet of you to say, thank you! You're making me cry hahaha ❤️ God is so so Good! Thank you again!!

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Oh no! Don’t cry! I think that’s all I’ve been doing here all week! ha ha! He is good and you did a wonderful job telling a story of hope. Like a parable. I really loved it. ox

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Awww! Yes definitely a tearful happy week haha! Thank you so muchhh!!! 💜💜💜 I'm so happy you loved it!!

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Wonderful story. I am going to send this to a friend who is in need and going through a rough time.

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Thank you, Alison! Praying for your friend and that this story blesses her💜🙏

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Jun 22Liked by Alexander Semenyuk, Merissa Nicole

Beautiful, hopeful, heartfelt. Thank you for this wonderful story!

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I'm so glad you enjoyed it, thank you so much for reading!

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Jun 21Liked by Alexander Semenyuk, Merissa Nicole

Congratulations! You were born for "Such A Time as This!" You are definitely a beacon of Hope! I am soooo proud of you! And of course your #1fan. ❤️

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Aww! Thank you, Mama! I love you my #1 fan!! I couldn't have done this without your support 💜💜

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Jun 21Liked by Alexander Semenyuk, Merissa Nicole

Merissa, your written story brought me to tears. I love how you illustrated anchor of hope through the circumstances and storms of life. It was such a joy and encouragement I needed to hear right in this moment of my life.

I am so PROUD of you!!! Congratulations on your first piece! It was surely well written and a timely word for not only myself, but others who read it. 💖🙏✝️

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She’s such a great storyteller.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Author

Thank you, sis! I'm so happy it blessed you! 💜💜 God is the one true source of Hope! I love how He's always moving in our lives and showing us the way to encourage others 💜

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Jun 21Liked by Alexander Semenyuk, Merissa Nicole

It’s great, great writing, thank you.

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Thank you so much for reading! I’m so happy you enjoyed it, thank you! 💗

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Interesting story. I too have felt a loss of hope at times! There were similarities in your story about me, my life and hope! I know God is watching over me, especially now. I'm all alone now since my son left in December with his girlfriend and they took all the kitties with them! My son had lived with from the day he was born! I believe he'll be 49 in July! Time surely does fly!

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Aw, thank you for reading, Connie! I'm so glad that it could relate to you. God is so good, He's always there to comfort and bring Hope to his children.

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Jun 21Liked by Alexander Semenyuk, Merissa Nicole

Beautful job Merissa! :)

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Thank you so much, Sierra! And thank you for reading!

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Jun 21Liked by Alexander Semenyuk, Merissa Nicole

Not related but also wonderful…and from the OT Proverbs 30: 4-5

4Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended?

Who hath gathered the wind in his fists?

Who hath bound the waters in a garment?

Who hath established all the ends of the earth?

What is his name, and what is his son's name,

If thou canst tell?

5Every word of God is pure:

He is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

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Amen! 🙏🙏

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Jun 21Liked by Alexander Semenyuk, Merissa Nicole

Hebrews 11:1

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Amen 🙏 Wonderful scripture!

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Jun 21Liked by Alexander Semenyuk, Merissa Nicole

This was a brilliant story thanks

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Thank you so much for reading!!

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