Thanks Alexander, your post is basically a psychological analysis of society and speaks of one of the most dangerous things facing the world: fear, despair and hopelessness always give rise to the discourse of populist saviours, who are often idealised by those who are suffering. In an all-or-nothing society, anything goes

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I appreciate the depth of your comment, thank you for this

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One of the best essays I've read since Saturday. Thank you Alex. God Bless you and your family always. ox

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God bless!

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I 100% agree with this Alexander! If we want to contribute to peace we have to look in the mirror not point fingers of blame. This is a co-creation. But of course most people don’t like to look in the mirror or face themselves in a deep way. Easier to wait for the government to save them which of course will never happen. We are responsible for our own being and create our own realities. No political leader or party is the answer. They’re all just reflections of the collective state of consciousness. The answer lies in each one of us, or at least a majority of us, waking up to that fact.

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So true! Thank you!

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"Fact is, in a few days we will be where we were before this shooting. Society that is filled with anger, hate, and violence. Society that looks for saviors in all the wrong places." So true. Thank you for speaking into the trouble that is in our present world. The One Savior we need is Jesus. Government is not god and cannot save us.

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Absolutely, thank you, God bless

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Jul 15Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

100% agree, a civilized country that holds fast to virtue starts in each home. And also by sharing Jesus with others that they may be filled with life rather than hatred .

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I think learning to grow in faith as a child of God is of the upmost importance. Yes, there are many terrible, challenging and troubling things going on. Yet, I am sure we are being asked to be led and do things for his glory.

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For sure

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If it only were that easy... so many have no values or knowledge to lean on at home and no roots to grow from. Both story and title, spot on.

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It is so sad, very true. Thank you

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That is also true. I didn't come into a meaningful understanding or appreciation of goodness until I was in my early twenties, and that was only through Christ, not familial relations.

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Excellent! You are dead on with... “It’s me, I’m the problem, I will do better.”

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Jul 15Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

What a beautiful response to such tragedy. Change starts with the individual, then moves to the family, the neighborhood, the city, etc.. But it always starts with the individual.

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For sure!

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Jul 15Liked by Alexander Semenyuk


Reminded me of G.K. Chesterton’s response to a newspaper prompt of what’s wrong with the world in 1900; his reply: “Dear Sir, I am.”

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Wow, I love that, he was amazing.

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Jul 15Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

“The root cause of this problem is how each individual looks at themselves, and in this age, the ego is bigger than ever.” You are landing some major right hooks on us brother, 🥊. Sheesh!

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On myself too haha

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Well said! We have to stop the blaming and work on ourselves. Revival can only come one heart at at a time. Those rallies are too aggressive anyhow in the States. It doesn't represent democracy. Politicians are meant to give good arguments to support their vision for the people. The message of both Democrats and Republicans should be messages of hope, not fear.

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Yes! Well said, thank you

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We are the system, so healing it starts with us. Love this post, Alex! Thank you for sharing your heart as always.

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Thank you! Wishing you a good week!

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Jul 15Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I 100% agree with you on this, Alex. "It starts in each home. First we fix ourselves, then our family becomes strong, then our community, then our city, then our country." Spot on.

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Im glad!

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Jul 15Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

“Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of YAH.” We must seek YAH’s opinion and not our own. Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, there can be no fruit. Thank you Alexander.

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Jul 15Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

God puts in power who he wants

God calls whom he wants to understand his truth

God tests all those whom he calls to see if they truly are not of the world but in the world

God will judge us as to what we do with the truth we have from him

God expects us to be a light to the world, so others will see our good works and glorify him and come to him.

The Conclusion of the Whole Matter

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.

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Good conclusion, always love seeing your commentary.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

As a nonpartisan libertarian who won't be voting for Trump or Biden, I've been expecting an assassination attempt for a while. The Republicans (and all right-thinking Americans) have been pointing out legitimate problems with the Democrats for a long time. Silencing their political opponents through social media shadow-banning. Calling their political opponents vile names. Pursuing policies that harm the American people by driving up energy and food costs (those kitchen table issues that matter most). Pointing out that Joe Biden appears to have dementia and he (and his family) were as corrupt as hell when he was Vice President. These acknowledgements upset Democrats, but they aren't vitriolic. They are legitimate reasons for concern, just as Joe Biden's Hitler-esque speech on the steps of Independence Hall demanding "unity" should have terrified everyone. Those were deliberate choices. A president that could go "there" should scare us and the fact that hardly anyone on his side of the cultural divide seems to have noticed should concern us more.

Meanwhile, the Democrats have couched Trump as the Anti-Christ who supports neo-nazis and somehow is going to cause World War 3 by negotiating with Putin rather than bombing Moscow. He must be stopped at all costs, even through clearly fraudulent criminal investigations for things that were never illegal before Donald Trump did them or that the Supreme Court has already ruled Presidents are allowed to do (retaining classified documents). And the people with TDS rant in front of their kids and some of those kids have a screw loose and nothing better to do in life but to please Mommy by putting a bullet in the orange man's head and.... Yeah. I've been expecting this for a while.

So we want to treat the disease and not the symptoms? Start with some people stapling their lips shut when they want to rant -- on both sides. If you've got legitimate complaints, air them, but base your complaints on legitimate grievances -- like the Biden-era inflation that is crushing the middle class.

Donald Trump isn't the Anti-Christ. He isn't even a neo-nazi. He's the political opponent of Joe Biden and had the audacity to beat Hillary Clinton in 2016. He's not a perfect man. He's not even a good man. He's a showman rather than a politician, which might be good for the country.

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Jul 15Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Three of the four years he was in office weren't bad for 90% of the country. Maybe we're sick and tired of politicians who lie to us ("Bidenomics is working; the economy is great" doesn't fly when you can't afford milk for your kids or gasoline to drive to work). Trump's winning because he's marginally more competant than his opponent. Maybe actually vet your candidate through the primary process before it becomes obvious that running him as a candidate is elder abuse.

And fingers and toes crossed that we survive long enough to get actually good candidates in 2028.

Start to treat the disease by recognizing that things need to change in this country, that the majority of people aren't happy with the direction the country is going in and that the Left might have to accept that they pushed too hard for an agenda most people reject. I know. It's disappointing that it looks like people want a return to normality. Go home. Enjoy your deviant lifestyle in the privacy of your own home. Let other people alone. And hopefully, the current rage will die down...if we stop feeding it. It's going to take a while, though, because you threw a LOT of fuel on that fire. And then one of your sons, having not gotten what he wanted through the electoral process (registered Republican giving to progressive causes, trying to vote in the primary), decided to kill the front-runner for president. The Jan 6 people lost their minds when they stormed the capitol in legitimate rage over an election that is still in doubt, but they shouldn't have done what they did, but they didn't kill anybody. The only one who died that day was one of them.

Self-evaluation and repentence are always a good place to start when treating a societal illness. Both sides have problems. One side tried to assassinate a presidential candidate days before the nominating convention. Kind of obvious which one has the bigger issues.

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Yes, speaking out and not fearing to fully speak out is part of it, but also having the abilities to analyze things and to actually think, are lacking, which is part of a bad base in society as well.

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