
Thank you for sharing this Alexander. Fear is one of the strongest driving forces we hold near. I've seen this crippling people I know. Your advice and lessons are so very welcome. ox

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Thank you, love this subject

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Mar 14Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

A good message. It does show that if we put things in perspective and adopt a more rational approach, our fears and concerns aren’t as daunting or as big as we make them out to be.

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I think so

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Thank you, I plan to incorporate this meditation into my program every day. 🙏✨💜

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Mar 12Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Yes having compassion for yourself in this way is so important. Understanding what your fears are helps to solve them by action if need be. Maybe the fear is irrational. Ask what is the origin of the fear and heal it while meditating helps.

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Mar 18Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

That image is so lovely! I was wondering who the artist is?

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Artist known as A I hahah

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Mar 12Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

An indwelt believer resists fear. Fear is the work of Satan and reliance on the indwelling spirit leaves no place for fear. This battle is spiritual and living FROM the spirit solves our addiction to fear.

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Well said!

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Mar 12Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I have a Doctor appointment today for something I’ve been putting off for awhile. I want you to know that I did your whole exercise because fear is always my first emotion. Good tips for me 💙

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I’m happy I could help! Good luck and blessings!

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Mar 12Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Thank you. I think the speaking out loud to it helped. It clarified what I’m actually afraid of and put it in the open for me 💙

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Mar 12Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

No. Fear stinks!

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