Feb 6Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I think something that would be cool would be for readers to buy packages of writers. Like 5/10 writers they like on a group discount. A bit like a newspaper. This way, writers could team up and create... A bit like a magazine?

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That would be awesome! Actually an amazing suggestion. Writers can split up the package income. Can have magazines of various topics. Really good.

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LOVE THIS! I think I subscribe to 100 writers and get about 300 emails a day - but I LOVE IT!

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Wow, this is an excellent idea!!

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A tip option would be nice for those who might not want to have the commitment of a monthly subscription along with showing the author what posts that readers may enjoy more than others.

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Feb 6Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Great Ideas! A tip feature would be awesome, especially if it could go directly to the author.

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we should all tag Substack haha

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Feb 6Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Tips would be good. Also the whole subscription model I feel acts as a deterrent to paid subscribers. When you find a post you like, you shouldn’t have to make a commitment to studiously read that source for the next month or 12 months, making sure not to miss content for fear of not getting value for money. An alternative would be a pot you pay a small fee into that persists until fully depleted, a fee subtracted each time you like a post - like a tip jar combined with a fixed promise of patronage. More about this here https://atomless.substack.com/p/reading-list-bankruptcy

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good idea!

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A tip/donation option would be great! I tried the ‘buy me coffee/breakfast’ thing last year and it was not very successful.

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Same, and have seen others not pleased with it. I hope someone at Substack sees this post!

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Feb 6Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Substack needs a big “Suggestion Box” button to press and for all to jot ideas down /everyone vote and keep us posted as to progress in fulfilling the most popular suggestions.

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Here's the problem: It must we worded differently than using the word "tip" or "buy me a coffee" - both are kill words.

People in the US are getting upset by both words, anything connotating tip.

One way that might work is something along the lines of Reddit karma points, where you buy a package of "rewards", and give (monetary) to the writer. I don't know how the concept might work exactly but it might help those who aren't well-known or don't have a large audience. Just a thought.

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Yup, for sure, some special word, Substack could come up with something!

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Yes. I’ve seen award systems where all initial users are given, for example, 10 points. Each point equals a dollar. After you’ve spent your initial points, you can buy extra points in packages of 10, 20, etc. Readers can buy a la carte points or packages that equate to a subscription plan. For instance, they could buy a year-long plan with 130 points, a three-month plan with 30 points, a month-long plan with 10 points, or pay a la carte to read an entire post. I’m not sure how successful these plans are.

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That’s cool!

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Yes, I'm not sure how successful, either. But, I did participate in that program for a short while and it really brought active engagement, and it was a boost to the writer. I liked it because it added to my experience. Right now I'm subscribing to nine Substacks. They overwhelm my box; I love the authors, but some post more than once a week. My attention span can't commit to everyone equally and still get my (own) work done.

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Yes i had to get my granddaughter to put my email in categories for me.

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Gosh, maybe this would help. I didn't think of doing that. Thank you!

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Feb 6Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

As a low income household but like to keep up with what’s going on the tip option sounds ideal as I don’t know from month to month what my disposable income will be… but when I’m flush I’m happy to pay

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Brilliant idea. Writers restacking this kind of idea would be more impactful.

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Lets go!

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I would use a tip option myself as I can't afford to upgrade to paid for everyone I read here.

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Substack told me that they’ll look at this!

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Nice! I understand Substack had reasons for why the capped the paid amount at $5 a month, but I think it'd be wise to have more price points so Substack doesn't become the place only rich readers can afford to pay for. Especially with how everyone is feeling money woes right now. I also think they should talk more about how we can create special offer discounts for yearly subscriptions. I didn't know that was a thing until another writer told me about it.

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Yeah, I do those, you can do up to 80% off I think?

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At least. I could have swore I saw someone say they did 90% off, but I can't recall who so I'm not sure if I'm remembering right.

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maybe it’s 90!

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I just tried 90% off and it let me make one.

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Feb 8Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

True. It hadn't crossed my mind that we writers can support one another too. Tips or something similar would be great.

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Feb 6Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Great idea!

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I think that Substack writers should SUBSCRIBE to everyone who subscribes to them, FOLLOW everyone who follows you, and LIKE, SHARE, and Comment on everyone who does the same to you:)! RECOMMEND everyone who recommends you! Substack should be RECIPROCAL! More work, but WHO CARES? We are all here to support one another, aernd the bottom line is that we treat one another as we wish to be treated! Thank you, Alexander - GREAT IDEAS!

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I put a link to my Venmo as a custom button. No one has put a nickel in my cup, though.

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I think if Substack worked this feature in it would work well

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Can someone add a link to PayPal? I thought Links to other monetary platforms do not work here. 🤔

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I agree, I tried to buy a friend coffee, and I couldn’t figure it out.

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Yup! Happened to me before too

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Feb 8Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I feel like tips are a good idea as long as they don't feel like pressure. I don't like reading where I feel like there is unconscious expectation that I pay. I want to either have it be free, no pressure, or just charge up front. I love to give and receive freely and where it is an exchange that feels right, it is done so totally above board so I can feel my alignment without any guilt or pressure in the unspoken air.

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I get that. Sometimes I feel tipped to death! That’s why I have a tip jar linked to Venmo as a custom button at the end of each post. No pressure, just opportunity

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Feb 8Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Love your way <3 <3

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Similar to the comments above (or below) by @REMYBAZERQUE & @ATOMLESS, I think the main thing from the reader side is making it easier to support readers and having it closely represent the reader's use of the platform.


I don't know if my usage is typical, but for me:

I subscribe to a handful, and pay for a few, substacks. I would do more, except I don't have time to read them all.


I often don't read the people I pay for and I often read single articles that I'd be happy to pay for but I don't want to add to the never ending list of articles in my inbox, so I don't want to add a subscription or pay that author even though I liked their article and would have paid for the article itself.


I also don't really read much else for news these days.


What I would happily do is pay $20-30/month to Substack, and spend it on the various writers and articles that I come across — in addition to the subscriptions that I want. For instance, if I come across a paywalled article have the platform let me pay a couple of bucks to unlock the paywall on that article. It could show me I have $14 left to spend, do I want to use $2 for this article? Plus a tip option — did I like this free article? why not leave $1? Then, also, maybe, at the end of the month, Substack could show me the free articles that I read and the money I have left over and provides a way to easily distribute that money to those writers.


Think of it more like an old-fashioned newspaper or magazine, where there were quality writers who I'd look for and other new ones that would come in and be discovered. I used to happily subscribe to monthlies and let those dollars be distributed to those writers without having to choose who would get paid on a monthly basis and who wouldn't.


In the end, I want to support both the writers and Substack. But the subscription per writer is just not easy from the reader side. Too much decision/commitment for new writers and too many writers to choose from leads to some paralysis even though I do want to pay.

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Feb 8Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I really hope substack sees this comment. This is a great option that works for both paywalled and free articles.

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This is really good! I like this breakdown.

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Feb 6Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I often wish that I could just pay $2 (or whatever) to read this one Substack article right now instead of taking a subscription. Maybe apply the $2 as a discount if I decide to later subscribe.

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Good idea!

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Feb 6Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I think it's great coz it encourages people to be more generous on the basis they can afford! X

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