I really enjoyed this today. That's saying a lot. I haven't read a fictional book in YEARS. Let's say 5? I am all non fiction all day. I have things to learn. I just thought, what the heck? Let me see how this goes. And off I went anticipating this man's memory and enjoying the simplicity of the story. The characters were excellent. There were many ideas represented here. I have my own language for some of what was said, but I can apply the lessons to my own mind. Also, it was a compelling story. I enjoy what a compassionate and patient and caring individual you must be to sit and muse about such things and then formulate them into a compelling story. Well done. Here is to Mr. Smith and his young apprentice. It must have been good because I postponed practicing piano to listen to the first half (I started while doing the dishes. They were done and I was just standing there listening for a minute before I put my phone down and said ' finish later, go practice') and I don't postpone the piano for much. Peace.

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You have no idea how much this review means to me! I was really worried about the recording and seeing a review like this is very encouraging and inspiring for me! Thank you so much.

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