The people allowing it! I find it all offensive because agendas and narratives are dictating. These interests who wish to convince the world that man is superior to God/nature I find utterly horrific! Just because you do the cosmetics to become a woman does not make you a woman. Is being a woman defined my adding breasts and wearing make up? I find it all insulting to women! Where the feminist organization on that? These interests/coalitions are attempting to shape reality! I myself I do not fall for all of this reprehensible things. If you as an individual feel the need to attempt to become woman..... enjoy yourself. However, do not expect greater society to welcome you with open arms. Everything you see in life was a fight at some point if you go back history. The Pharmacati is making a bunch of money on these surgeries. However just because you do the surgery does that make you a woman in the case of a man wishing to be a woman? That then puts us back to that stupid question of what is a woman? I know a woman when I see one. when I don't see one I see then I see a man. There is man and woman no in between. Inner biology dictates that. Pharma and cancelling people can't change that.

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What happened to Angela Carini is absurd and shameful. A man beating a woman in a ring is unacceptable. This society is insane.

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yes, horrific

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Her opponent wasn’t a man.

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Aug 2Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

He could have killed her—I worry that this kind of defeat (consider the years of training and self-denial and…hope) end in suicide.

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Her opponent wasn’t a man.

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A man.

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That lost to an Irish woman 4 years ago in the quarter finals?

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Funny you’d mention 4 years ago but not since, since it’s been all golds except for one final. And how would that even matter? Women boxers get banned for tiniest PED use that raises endurance, but someone with these testosterone levels and thicker bones is ok? Not sure how a past results justifies a man fighting a woman?

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Elevated testosterone doesn't make one a man. Especially on a women born in a country that has banned being trans.

We are just going to have to disagree on this.

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The World Boxing association deemed both of them to be male and banned them, women who fought them in recent years said they hit like men. I’ll stay with defending women and victims. I don’t know why they just don’t make a trans division.

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Who was her opponent?

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Aug 1Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I just read this after reading your post. A sad and disgusting world we live in sometimes. I didn't realize there were men boxing against women in this Olympics.


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There aren’t.

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Aug 2Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Because their passport said so. IBA kicked them out of an event because they didn't pass testing. Continue in your dream world.

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Aug 1Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Here's one women's group who are working on it


I agree with you, it's shameful that women and women's organisations have gone along with this insane injustice. Afraid to speak up.

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Aug 2Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

All I can add is that this platform allows ideas, thoughts, and discussions without fear, name-calling, or the threat of violence. I am thankful for that.

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For sure

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I’ve received all 3 on here so not sure what platform you’re referring to

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Happens to me too here, but much less

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Aug 1Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Sport brings people together.

Politics divides.

The elites are deliberately destroying sports.

The question is “who are the elites?”

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Aug 4Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I wrote about this on Friday and immediately lost a friend and an editing contract. It's hard to speak up when the penalties for doing so are so harsh. Makes you feel a bit insane when people are telling you you're evil for seeing reality.

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Yup, had dozens of unsubscribes

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Aug 4Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Well I just subscribed so there's one on the plus side! I actually got 3 new paid subscribers and 10 free ones so I'm hoping that my readership is feeling stable and okay about this sort of thing. I write humour, mostly, and I think that people who have a sense of humour tend to also be a bit smarter and more free thinking. I hope!

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Thank you! And yes, I agree, going through life with a bit of humor makes a difference, also improves quality of life and makes us analyze things more

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I just subscribed too!

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Aug 2Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Yes I have spoken out about this on my own post. It’s our moral duty to.

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Aug 1Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

A little compromise here...a little compromise there...an inch at a time, and before you know it, the world has changed. Like the analogy of the camel's nose under the tent. And as a christian, I can say that it's disgusting how many churches have compromised. What were at least bastions of moral uprightness, have now been taken over by the depraved who want to play "godly". Sodom and Gomorrah didn't get to be wicked over night. God dealt with them, so it makes me wonder when He will deal with this world!

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Aug 2Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

It doesn't come as a surprise that so many Churches have comPromised, given that many Churches have fiduciary duties and responsibilities towards their creditors / INvestors, which positions them to BE disloyal to God. The Vatican IS a Perfect example of thIS.

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Aug 1Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Churches! So disappointing.

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Aug 2Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

“least bastions”. Possibly “last bastions”?

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Aug 1Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Morally compromised people allow this. Lack of respect, responsibility, and sanity. Going trans is self harm. So people who encourage self harm and then let these mentally ill people harm others are twice as culpable. It goes against faith and reason. Child abusers who created this problem want it normalized so they can keep harming kids.

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Aug 2Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Bravo and thank you for putting yourself out there on behalf of women 💝

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Trying my best! Thank you

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Aug 2Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I've never understood how that has been allowed. I have nothing against how people identify, you could be half wolf, half fairy if you wanted to. But in sports it makes no sense. People who were born a man should not be allowed to compete in female sports. It's so simple.

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Absolutely OUTRAGEOUS, this is absolutely taking away the drive and spirit in sports.. honestly it is a crime in all senses. Deceiving, and cheating and gets me riled up everytime I see it or hear it.

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Aug 2Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I try my best not to assume evil intent for something that can be explained with plain stupidity. In this case, someone (maybe evil, maybe stupid) took the very rare and very complex issue of gender dysphoria and turned it into the social fad of transgenderism. Then a bunch of stupid people ran with it without thinking it through to its logical conclusion. Once they said, “trans women are women”, they a) burned the bridge behind them, making it impossible to back off to a more reasonable / less extreme position, and b) started down a path that INEVITABLY leads to erasing all differences between biological men and women.

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Aug 1Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I agree completely, Alexander. I just saw the video of the poor Italian female boxer in the Olympics who had to face a man and a few seconds into the fight he apparently broke her nose with one swing.

As you say, this has to stop. And it starts when we all start putting what's best for society ahead of whats best for our politics.

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Wasn’t a man.

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Wasn't a woman either.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Yes he was, and shame on anyone that tries to defend or excuse it.

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Aug 1Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

I agree with you totally. What happened on the opening ceremony of the Olympics where all the greatest in their sports train to get to that level? People of all ages and especially children were indoctrinated to this very thing. There was extreme backlash, but they got their message out there. One lawsuit that I know of has been filed against NBC for airing this. It is against federal law to air programs exposing genitalia and exposing it to children as was done. The push back is diversity and inclusion needs to be accepted. However, that doesn't have to be accepted in a moral and just society. None of those things do. Jill Biden talked about the ceremony not being able to be outdone. Considering the next Olympics being in California, I bet they can outdo it.

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