Jul 30Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

“Are the things you are living for worth Christ dying for?”- Leonard Ravenhill 👏👏❤️❤️

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This article beautifully and simply resolves the tension between working for things and keeping our eyes fixed on the spiritual good. I would say Mr. Semenyuk has done a good service for Christians wrestling with the idea that want and desire is always bad, indeed it is not and you’ll notice that people are active most every day in pursuit of their goals. Good tidings, Amen.

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Thank you! It’s an interesting topic to think about

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Jul 31Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

James 4:4 NAS95  You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

Be careful Alexander, you tread a very fine line sometimes. Use the whole counsel of YAH. Our first command is to love (agape, not our humanistic fleeting emotional love) YAH with all our being, then love others out of our love for YAH. The gate is narrow and few find it.

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First or all, I read "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" the moment it came out in America. I was swept away with the Roald Dahl's energy and his daring take on values and people. I'm Jewish but not a religious man as such, but I am a spiritual person. My two favorite books are "Dandelion Wine" by Ray Bradbuty and "The Once and Future King," by T.H. White. I was lucky enough to first read them both when I was twelve years old, and they were transformative for me. "Dandelion Wine," taught me the value of living every moment to the fullest, that you can't do that without both joy and pain. "The Once and Future King," taught me two things. The first was the "might doesn't make right," but that "might" should be used to do "right." And it also taught me that in this life, if you try your best to do the right thing, you will live to see your honor dragged through the sewer of lesser minds. Just take a look at politics and you'll see it happen constantly. I'm glad I was a teacher and not a politican. Sorry for going on so long, but your piece stimulated me a lot.

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I think these are really great thoughts and I’m glad you shared. I’m going to look up both books!

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Thank you, Alexander. for both the nice response and for writing what you did. I hope you like the books if you get them. It's amazing to me that both my sons, and my wife love those two books as I do. They are both two guys that make a positive difference in this world.

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How old are your sons?

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“If God were to ask you right now, what do you want the most in the world, what would be your answer? RIGHT NOW.”

I want my grandchildren free from foreign war.

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