Alexander, as a writer, I understand the importance of words and how they can convey impactful emotions, beliefs, and a worldview. Each of us is a game-changer. May your pen never run out of ink, your keyboard remains filled with inspiration, your paper never run out of space, your mind never run out of ideas, and may your heart never run out of love, compassion, and ministry. I pray that the blessings of our Christ-as-Life Christmas bring you the joy of the greatest author of eternity – God the Father. Merry Christ-as-Life!

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Thank you for this beautiful message. Wishing and praying for you and your family to have a truly blessed Christmas time and feel God’s light and Holy Spirit filling your household!

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You are one of the faithful, Alexander. Thank you once again.

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Dec 24, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Jesus is alive and he will return.Fear not l am with you l will never leave or forsake you.

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Dec 25, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Your words are a joy to hear Alexander. A blessed Christmas to you and your family.

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Merry Christmas, many blessings!

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Beautiful and True

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Thank you!

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Alexander Semenyuk

Just lovely, beautiful. Merry Christmas.

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Thank you! Merry Christmas!

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