Help sponsor a Ukrainian orphan
Hey friends and readers,
If you’ve followed my blog for a while, especially since my previous platform, you know that helping orphans and trafficking victims is a big deal for me. Therefore, I want to make sure that some of my blog posts each year are dedicated to this.
I am sponsoring a girl there and I wish I could sponsor more orphan children in Ukraine right now, but, with your help, we can do a lot of good and get others covered.
Currently there are more and more orphans coming into the program. Many are little girls as young as 3/4 years old. If you follow global human trafficking risks and statistics, you’ll know how big and real the danger for these children is, especially girls.
Image they already go through so much suffering.
The organization I contribute to does multiple things.
They shelter the kids.
They provide kids with books and education.
They provide kids with ministry.
They help with adoption process.
On top of doing such a great thing for these kids, you can also get to know the child you sponsor. You’ll be able to write to them and give small presents. It is so important for these kids to know that someone cares.
So, if you don’t have a charity yet, please consider helping an orphan in Ukraine right now.
Link below.