40 days
By Alexander Semenyuk
My dear readers,
I am posting the whole story here, I would greatly appreciate if you left me a review on Amazon upon finishing reading with your thoughts about it, I’ll leave the link below.
I wish you peace, love and kindness.
May your life be filled with strength given to you by our Lord.
May you always trust God and lean upon him in the hardest of times.
God bless you.
40 Days
Early days
Strong wind blew the sand into his face, it felt like tiny sharp needles touching the skin and then falling away. Yet, despite some of it even getting into his eyes, the gaze remained calm and steady, as he observed the Dead Sea.
The waves moved slowly despite the strong wind. There by the shore was an interesting sight. A whole pillar of salt standing in the sand, being washed by the water.
“And so they must be the salt of this world.”
Someone out in the sea called out his name. Jesus knew who it was, but could not see him yet with the human eyes, however, he could sense him with his true self.
The waters turned dark and a swirling black circle began to form among the waves. It spun and out of it came millions of tiny distant screams of agony and pain, they came from a world far away from this one. A realm in the dimension of eternal sorrow, where spirits were trapped without their memories, for their souls were devoured. Those in the past…and those in the future…all of their voices.
Slowly a formless figure covered in dark mud emerged from the water and hovered up above. Then a powerful light emerged from it as it revealed itself to be a beautiful angel. White golden-like wings moved with magnificence, leaving sparkly dust behind him. The radiant, forever youthful face of a beautiful man with pale skin was now fixing the gaze upon the one sitting on the rocks near the water. The angel swiftly flew to him and softly landed there. His piercing eyes looked into those of the Lord Christ himself.
“Jesus Christ…in the flesh. Appearing as a mere human, to save humanity?”
He smiled and tilted his head.
“Tell me Jesus, how often did you know when I was right next to you…throughout this…moment they call… the human life?”
Jesus remained calm and peaceful, his face reflecting years beyond his age, as he constantly absorbed others' pain and suffering upon these lands. He has seen Lucifer's works for millions of years and now, for thirty years as a human, he constantly saw the effect of the works on humans around him. Now, he faced him and remembered well what part of the journey this had to be.
“You prefer this appearance to that of a snake, Lucifer?”
Lucifer’s pride was poked, and a smile slowly went away from his face, the shiny pale skin turned slightly grey.
“You’ll be in this deadly wilderness for many more days, Jesus. The human body you wear will suffer unimaginably in this dry heat, sucking every drop of strength, I’ll return soon. You enjoy the silence.”
Jesus was once again alone, and he indeed enjoyed the complete silence of this wilderness, except for the wind howling.
For it is in the silence The Father spoke to him.
Second week
How is it to know all of the past and the future, all at once?
How is it, to take on all of the sins?
Only he knew.
It was nighttime in the desert. The pale moon shone upon the dry cracked earth and Jesus, illuminated by this light, sat in the open, not hiding in a cave.
The ground cooled and the cracks in it widened. There were slithering sounds…crawling sounds…Out of the cracks appeared snakes and all kinds of bugs.
In the shadows by the rocks was an outline of the fallen angel’s figure as he watched with his piercing bright gaze.
Yet…these did not phase Jesus even for a moment, as he stayed within himself and the meditation prayer.
The illusion of these ugly creatures vanished, like the vapor from the rare rain on the desert’s day.
Lucifer moved his head out of the shadow and into the moonlight.
“The Christ…look.”
Moving images appeared in front of Jesus.
Cities of the future are engulfed with the flames of horrible disease. Thousands upon thousands dying, bodies piling, like the hills of death.
An image of an old abbey appeared, where monks continuously buried their brethren. And they vigorously prayed, as their numbers diminished. People came to the abbey, crying and begging, asking for God’s help.
In other parts of the city, great sins were taking place. People were stealing, even murdering others who were weaker. Taking advantage of the weak and the sick.
“Where is God’s help, Jesus? Look at them suffer. The pain, agony…tears, screams. All in your name, all for you. How is this part of your great plan?”
“Their help will come and all shall be paid in full, very soon. And free will is part of the plan.”
“Free will? This plan makes no sense. Even if you succeed, in this frail human body to achieve it. Their suffering will continue!”
“They are creations with free will, made in my image, not yours.”
“And yet, most will become my subjects in death…and all of them who resist in life will feel my pressure upon them.”
“And after, those who pass their tests shall have an everlasting soul, united with their unbreakable spirit, together with me, in Heaven. Enjoying the light that they cannot even imagine in their human form.”
“I’ll show you a form.”
Warships fired missiles destroying villages and towns, people were running in chaos. Dead children lay on the streets. Airplanes bombed churches and as those inside prayed, they burned in the fire of war.
A little girl followed a battalion of Nazis leading hundred of people they gathered somewhere. Many were children. A boy with a green teddy bear turned his head and looked back at the girl, smiling. They were all lined up in the field, right before a large hole in the ground and shot.
Concentration camps appeared, thin bodies of women and kids, dying and being experimented on. The sadness and torment filled their eyes. Millions killed.
Lucifer grinned observing Christ’s face, yet, his grin was once again wiped away, as the Lord had no change in his expression. Silliness and calmness stared back at Lucifer.
“Such is the life of humanity in this fallen world. The gate is narrow, many won’t make it, for pains are great to endure, but none are greater than the one I take on, for their sake. For they shall be saved, and in eternity, their human suffering will feel like nothing when they are in Heaven with me.”
Lucifer leaned back into the shadows and slowly his figure disappeared. Jesus knew that he would soon return. He focused on his breath and in stillness felt the whole world and every soul in it.
His human body began to feel tremendous thirst and hunger. He closed his eyes and fully entered the world of silence, only his own heartbeat and blood flow as his company. Such was his position all the way till morning. When the sun began to come up and the first rays cut through the dry desert floor and onto his face, he stood up.
The mind of the Lord, no human can know it. The depth of the universe was in the palm of his hand. Movement of the celestial bodies, far away galaxies, secrets of the black holes, none a mystery to him.
Yet…there he is, taking life as a human, sinless, fulfilling all of the Holy promises, all the prophesies, and the laws of The Father.
Jesus stood on a formation of yellow hot rocks with his bare feet. The heat was scorching. High above among the thin clouds, he saw a white dove.
“Third counselor.”
Christ reached out his hand and the dove landed upon his fingers. Christ smiled and let the bird go, it disappeared into the light.
That day he walked back to the sea and sat on the shore, watching the waves again. A vision of a man he knew well, as he did all the hearts, appeared.
“They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame; wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever.”
Such were the words of Jude, such will be his words written down and passed down to generations. Warning all about the false teachers and their treachery. For there will come a time when most teachers will be false. Crying out his name, but only to serve his nemesis, who stalks him in this scorching desert.
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
“Yes, indeed….”
Christ heard Lucifer’s voice once again, but he did not look, filling his being with stillness and calmness once again. He felt Lucifer get closer, his breath was upon his head.
“Are you…really the one? The Son of God? The God…?”
“Son of the One who cast you down, broke you, and you were powerless against it, as you shall be powerless against me here.”
Lucifer shivered and looked down. Anger, hate, envy, pride…they all swirled around his body, and he exhaled strongly.
“I will make you suffer here, and I’ll make them suffer for all time.”
With this Lucifer vanished.
How hard were these attacks to withstand? Jesus knew that mere humans upon these lands could rarely fight off the temptations and pain that the enemy put upon them. There was no chance for any of them to lead a sinless life. No matter how hard they tried, at one point they’d fail. Dark thoughts, bad deeds, just one slip-up was enough, and oh how many slip-ups they did have, constantly. Some fell upon their knees and begged for forgiveness every time, for the weakness.
Their flaws and inability to be pure were obvious and he was there to fix them. To purify it all, as those who embraced him would then meet him after their earthly death.
Jesus smiled, even those who claimed such loyalty to him, failed so miserably.
A vision of a familiar man appeared. Strong, bearded, noble in posture and appearance, the rock of the church, part of the solid foundation. Yet, this man was stumbling through the streets, scared, and rattled, as if his faith left him. A beggar pointed at him.
“Look, isn’t that one of Jesus’s apostles?!”
“No! I do not know Jesus, leave me alone!”
He stumbled through another patch of the angry crowd and turned a corner. There a few boys yelled at him.
“Look, it’s that follower of Jesus Christ!”
“Stop it, you have me confused with someone else!”
He ran further, looking frantic, like a man who was trapped, right before the exit from the city an angry woman tugged at his clothes.
“Aren’t you that false prophet’s helper!?”
“Get away from me woman! I know of no such thing!”
As he ran out of the city he fell upon his knees near a bush. In his ears came the sound of a rooster and he began to weep hysterically, grabbing at his chest.
“Oh God, my Lord, how could I, how could I!”
The vision vanished and the water moved ever so slightly. It was the peak of the heat. Jesus smiled.
“Peter…the strongest of them…still so weak…”
Third week
Burnt red skin, blisters on the soil of the feet, shaking hands holding a small stone. Jesus moved the stone from hand to hand. He has prayed for many days and nights, listening to The Father, living in perfect silence. However, the human body he was in was starving, the throat was dried up out of thirst, and the heart was harder to relax and slow. The stillness and clarity of the mind were not so easy to achieve after so long in this blistering horrific heat. As Christ knew all of the mysteries and uses of the human mind and body he was able to get through this, but another human would not.
This is how he and Father crafted them, truly a miraculous creation, so well made, crowned with free will and the ability to directly connect with him and The Father. Ability to channel the Holy Spirit, to be filled with its power and light. Yet, most not only didn’t try but didn’t even wonder.
A shadow blocked the rays of the sun as Lucifer hovered in the air above.
“Yes…they do not even try…most do not know, and will not know you, and will not seek you, and will not love you. Yet you humiliate yourself for them. You starve, thirst, your skin peels, you are burning in pain. And there is far greater pain yet to come. All this, for them. Such foolishness, can it really be coming from a Son of God? Are you really the Son of God?”
Christ remained silent, watching the sand swirling in the wind around him.
Lucifer landed and spread his long white wings.
“You see, I am a son of God, am I not? Look at how beautiful and magnificent I am. Perfect in every way.”
“And yet, in none.”
“Ah…You speak again…”
Lucifer waved his hand and the air around changed into another vision.
A priest was locked inside a wooden prison with other Christians crying and praying. He was watching through an opening as the samurai hung people upside down in the yard. Then they’d make a small cut upon each person’s forehead and let them hang there, feeling the agony, until they say they forsake Christ or die.
They moan in pain, yet none forsake.
The next vision came. Soldiers were rounding up priests and taking them out into the field, telling them to beg, yet none did. They prayed as they were shot.
The visions vanished…
“You see how they die for you? Suffer for you…”
“And on the moment of their passing, they shall be through the narrow gate, as they picked up their cross and followed me. Be gone.”
Again silence fell upon the space that Jesus occupied and he thought of the garden.
The garden where the first humans were created. Where all the plans were set forth. The apple of knowledge presented to them by the very being that was here with him in the desert, but truly, it was not him in the end, but their weak sinful nature, due to free will, due to seeking too much, wanting too much, not realizing that nothing can be better than being with God.
Such is the price of giving them free will. Creating them to be special. And so they become…ugly and beautiful…evil and kind…All sorts of variations inhibit a human. So easily influenced.
There would be no point in creating them without it. They would be like dolls, unable to choose. Not having a real life.
As their sins will be paid in full they shall know the bliss of the presence of God if they only choose right.
From a young sixteen-year-old girl. Brave, wise, and strong beyond her years, willing to do anything for God, to this moment of meditation and prayers. From a tiny baby, who to many seemed like a wise and stoic carpenter, to one who could make this human body go beyond its limits in this desert….to the one who would save all. The Lord…The Word of the universe. All knowing, all loving.
Not a single grain of sand unnoticed by his true nature, not a single stardust…yet now, in the human flesh, among men. No greater sacrifice than this. No greater humbling. No greater love. No greater gift.
And so Jesus spent another night in that very same spot and on the next morning, with the first rays of light, he walked by the sea again.
His legs slightly wobbled as he walked along the shore, he sat down close to the water and allowed the slow tide of salty water to touch his feet. His arms trembled as he clasped the hands and began to pray. The hunger, fatigue, and thirst were becoming hard to take as the human body was being pushed to its limits in the scorching wilderness.
And again, the sweet whisper of the accuser came into his ears. As unpleasant as before, but he knew that until the very end, this fallen angel would not give up. Until he would speak the words “It is done.”
“Watch this, Jesus…”
Around Jesus seven demons appeared, all watching him with tremendous anger.
“Watch what they do to your people.”
A vision of demonic possessions appeared in front of Jesus. One after another, hundreds, thousands, millions…Leaders, kings, presidents…Possessed, bent on destruction, committing unthinkable evil. Yet, Jesus was steady.
Next, it was a vision of a woman Jesus knew very well, she was being possessed by these seven demons. Jesus rose to his feet and waved the vision away, replacing it with another.
This woman was kneeling in the sand as corrupt Pharisees threw rocks at her. He stepped in front of her and bent down to the sand. There he began to write the names of Pharisees who themselves were adulterers. Shocked and scared they dropped the rocks and left. Jesus looked at the common people who remained. He tossed a stone in front of them.
“He without sin, cast the stone at her.”
They all stood astounded and then also went away in their shame.
Jesus lifted the woman and later that night she was with him and the apostles out in the field. Christ placed his hands upon her head as his followers watched. With a prayer, he cast out all seven demons, who screamed in terror as they fled.
Vision vanished and once again these demons fled, having this memory of being powerless against Christ engraved into them.
Lucifer lowered his head and then turning into a yellow snake disappeared into the cracks of the dry desert.
Christ knew that attacks of the evil one would continue relentlessly, so he sat down once again to take the rest of this day and continue to pray to The Father, for strength, to not be led into even the thoughts of future temptations, for everything had to be fulfilled perfectly.
Night came and the sky was clear once again. The beautiful carpet of stars and the moonlight illuminated the water of the Dead Sea. Jesus thought of the storms he watched his apostles see and endure. He smiled remembering Peter walking on water and then falling in, or their faces when he calmed another storm. How little did they know that those storms were small compared to the spiritual ones that were going to come their way?
“Be strong, my children, for I gave your soul life, do not be afraid of what this world will do to you for your faith in me, but be afraid of the one that can destroy your soul.”
A vision, created by the Holy Spirit began to form. A tree grew out of the ground, it got taller and taller, reaching up towards the moon. Its branches began to spread far away and each of them was bearing fruit. These fruits were beautiful and fresh.
Jesus closed his eyes and saw three of his apostles. All heading in separate ways to spread the Truth.
Thomas to a far land in the East, where he was no longer a timid man who sometimes doubted, but a teller of truth and righteousness. And he will die upon the spears for this.
James was a brave leader of the church, a creator of many good deeds, not bending to the wickedness. Beheaded for the truth, for bringing The Word.
Andrew, in the far lands up in the North. There he will stand by a great river and sacrifice his life bringing those men the true life.
All of them will be greeted in Heaven with songs of love and warmth.
And those even further away, in timeless terms just a blink of an eye…The one who brought down a great tree, the one who lions refused to consume, a strong woman burning under the command of false preachers, a man who preached love beheaded. Martyrs who went beyond simple human capabilities for the love of God.
33 days
On this day Jesus climbed a tall formation of rocks and sat on the top platform, looking out into the distance and focusing on the breath of life.
The wind was blowing through his hair picking it up gently, and then a whisper came into his ear.
“Adam bit the apple…so shall you…Son of God.”
Jesus took a deep breath and continued to watch the wind in the desert. Lucifer sat right behind him, grinning. In his hand he held a red apple, tossing it up and down.
“You know…Jesus, even one of your apostles is mine.”
A small dark cloud appeared in front of Christ and it took form of images. It was Judas, slowly walking through the garden towards Jesus and gently kissing him on the cheek.
“Betrayed by your own apostle.”
The Judas hangs from a tree, his body surrounded by crows and demons.
Jesus remained silent and focused.
“The pain he will bring you, aren’t you angry? In rage? Maybe I’ll release him unto you, so you can torture him instead, yes?”
Christ watched the white dove in the sky and remained silent once again, he kept his heart filled with calmness and peace.
Lucifer brought the apple right next to Jesus’s face.
“Take a bite? It’s juice, tasty…and you are so hungry, poor you, son of God, you are starving. Look at your stomach, those ribs. Ohhh, it’s even more painful when they torture you, rip…your body apart…put nails into your hands…You might as well enjoy some fruit now, yes?”
Lucifer did not get a response, frustrated he fled, wondering what he could possibly do to break Christ’s resolve and spirit in this deadly wilderness.
Night came and the sky was clear once again.
It never rained throughout all of these days in the wilderness, not one drop. And because of the water in the Dead Sea and the thoughts about the rain, the son of God remembered what it was like to be a little baby. Born in a human form, different water of life spilled in the mother’s womb.
With the first breath of life, the babies scream out God’s name. They enter the world confused, even perhaps terrified, clinging to their mother. Seeking answers, and so for the humans, it doesn’t change all that much as they grow up, for they continue to seek answers, in their own understanding, through their own mind.
Jesus looked up at the sky while thinking this.
“Their mind is not my mind. They must not lean on their understanding, but only trust the Lord.”
And once again the Holy Spirit appeared, flying high up above, circling.
“You lead me here, as it was meant to be. At the end of it, you will lead me out.”
And he prayed for the remainder of that night, not sleeping.
In the morning Jesus came to the shore and walked upon the water, once he was far from the earth he sat upon it, listening to the movement of the Dead Sea and the wind.
The salt of the world…
Disinfecting the sins. He allowed the salty water to run through his fingers as he lifted his hands to the sky, watching the white dove bask in the beautiful strong sunlight.
Jesus thought of the heart of men. How they think to be better than others around them, leaving a log in their own eye while scolding another for a speck in theirs.
To be the salt of the world they first had to learn how to disinfect themselves daily and recognize their flaws and wickedness, but such a thing was almost impossible for them, just as it was almost impossible for a rich man to get through the narrow gate. Images of future pain upon the cross came into his mind, what he had to do for them.
He closed his eyes and steadied himself. The hunger and the thirst not only brought weakness into his body but also fatigued the mind.
He was nearing the forty days.
Jesus spent the next several days on the shore, sleeping near the water as well, upon a low rocky formation.
During these days he saw visions that warmed his heart.
One such vision was of Mary and John in the future.
He saw Mary and John staying with him throughout his trial, torture, and crucifixion. Her eyes filled with pain and sorrow. And John, his humble apostle, one who will accept her as a mother.
He saw them rejoice at the miracle of the resurrection.
Then, as a good servant of the Lord, John embraced Mary and took her away, to take care of her and to write down the words of his Lord, in peace. Together they traveled to a distant land. There with Holy Spirit guidance, they built a small home on the hill. For many years their life revolved around reflections on their time with the Lord, and growing olives and grapes. Together, each night they broke bread and drank grape juice, sometimes just water.
Eventually, John and Mary build signs around the garden to remember each step of their Lord’s suffering with the cross, it will be engraved into their memory so deeply.
Christ smiled, despite the incredible hunger, thirst, and pain, he smiled…
Final hours
The face of Jesus. One with the wisdom beyond his years. The face that made apostles weep, those in poverty smile and rejoice. The face that was home to eyes of the universe. Eyes that saw and knew everything. Ones that could pierce the soul and understand true justice.
The mouth of Jesus which only spoke truth, enlightened and brought God into the hearts of the ignorant. A mouth that put false preachers into their proper place, defended the abused and spoke to the Father in heaven. The mouth whose words would ring true for all eternity, until the end of time.
The ears of Christ, that heard every prayer for all eternity, every lie, every moment of anger.
The hands of Jesus healed thousands. The hands which held the world from falling into the abyss. Hands that were rough, worn, and thin, yet the strongest hands that ever existed. The hands that nails would pierce, deeply ripping into them. The hands that apostles touched after the Resurrection.
The body of Christ is one that is given for all to be saved, with sacred blood flowing through it. The bread and the wine. The food of true life, the water of true life.
The feet of Christ, who walked dozens of thousands of miles, speaking the Word of God.
The nature of Christ…Godly, just, forgiving, loving, calm, kind, strong, compassionate.
That is who sat in this scorching desert leaning against the hot rocks with his back, completely drained of strength. God humbles himself in ways unimaginable, beyond understanding. All for the sake of humans.
Jesus thought of food, particularly how he fed thousands of people. It was so simple to multiply bread, it just kept on coming out of the baskets. Philips's face was that of astonishment, as it kept happening other apostles were laughing. They just could and at the same time could not understand it. Their mind told them that the Lord could do all things, but at the same time, their limitations told them that it was not possible.
Jesus could smell this bread in his nostrils. His long fast of forty days and forty nights was at its end, but it was not quite done.
“Such lovely bread. Fresh, delicious.”
It was Lucifer’s voice, he was sitting upon rocks slightly higher than Jesus, as if to show that he was better. His pride was beyond all measure. He held three smooth long rocks in his hands. One by one he tossed them into the sand in front of Christ’s knees.
“Look, if you are…the true son of God, why don’t you turn these three stones into that delicious fresh bread? Stop this foolish hunger.”
Jesus watched the stones in front of him as his stomach was sucking itself in. He slowly raised a severely sunburned face towards Lucifer.
“It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
Lucifer stood up, there was a flash of anger in his deadly eyes. He licked his lips and then walked up to Jesus. He moved around and placed his hands upon Jesus’s shoulders. They suddenly appeared on the top of a magnificent tall temple. Lucifer stood Jesus upright on its edge.
“Jesus! If you are the son of God, throw yourself down! The angels will catch you and minister to you. Show your power! I don’t believe you! You look scared to fall?’
With the same calm expression, Christ turned to him, looking deep into the devil’s cold eyes.
“It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’ ”
Lucifer grabbed Jesus and they spun around in the air, flying at an incredible speed. Celestial bodies flashed before their eyes. They appeared on top of the tallest mountain in the world. Jesus was standing in the freezing snow, right above the clouds. The air was thin and he could barely breathe, icy wind hit his skin. Lucifer spread out his wings and arms.
“Behold! The mountain that humans will aim to conquer for centuries! Below it lies the whole magnificent world. We are the first to stand here…There are riches down in the world, so many people to rule. Every command is done, every luxury. All the glory. Every person…No suffering for you, no torture, no crucifixion. I’ll give it all to you. All you have to do is bow down and worship me, don’t you understand that?”
Jesus trembled in the extreme cold, but his spirit was as strong as ever.
“Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ”
Lucifer's eyes got big as his lips trembled, he screamed in rage and they both were gone from that place. Jesus was at the desert rocks once again. He has completed the great fast and did not succumb to the temptations.
Above him angels of the Father calmly came down, bringing him best tasting water, the fruit of Eden, fish of the river.
They tended to him as long as he needed, and then together with the dove he left the wilderness.
Beautifully written! Thank you!
I really needed to read that. One of these days I will explain but right now, thank you for these words.